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Comment Re:Advantages? (Score 1) 146

Truly, you should be able to connect a box to the Internet without a firewall and it should be fine. If it isn't the manufacture has not done due diligence. That said mistakes happen. Keeping up to date with maintenance releases is the way to address this issue.

Governments could help here by requiring manufactures to supply security fixes indefinitely for any internet connectable software. For consumer electronics this could be 20 years or more. Note the fix may be "upgrade to release X" where X involves a feature jump.

Comment Re:LOL No shit!! (Score 1) 579

Which is why you also put in a speed camera on such lights as well as a red light camera with a big sign saying "Red Light - Speed Camera". All new red light cameras are both speed and red light camera here with the old red light cameras being retrofitted with speed timing loops.

If you speed up to make the light you get a speeding fine. Traffic actually obeys the speed limits as there are enough of these to make it a pain to speed up and then slow down for the intersections.

Comment Re:OR (Score 1) 250

Comcast has over 25% of their network IPv6 enabled as of November last year. This is much more that "3 cities".

As for taking back IPv4 addresses, that has to be the most ludicrous thing I have heard. There is a huge amount of IPv4 only content out there which you need IPv4 addresses to reach. Now you can make the consumer IPv6 only by use NAT64 + DNS64 to reach this content but you still need IPv4 addresses on the public side of the NAT64. Additionally NAT64 breaks functionality you get with having direct, unshared, IPv4 connectivity.

Comment Re:OR (Score 2) 250

About 3.5% of Google's traffic is IPv6. This is more than double what it was last year at this time. If the grow continues on this curve we will be at 10% within a year and a half. This sort of traffic is more than enough for sites to enable IPv6.

If you can enable IPv6 at home over 50% of typical home usage is IPv6 (Google and FaceBook). There is no reason for Consumer ISP's to not enable IPv6 as there is enough volume to make it worthwhile.

Comment Re:On behalf of all network specialists, (Score 1) 197

IPv6 was designed to co-exist with IPv4. You give new hardware a IPv6 address as well as a IPv4 address and after 10 or so years all your machines have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and there are basically no IPv4 only machines left. This would have worked if CPE vendors shipped IPv6 capable routers and ISP
enabled IPv6 on the customer links.

Today almost all the cell phones and general purpose computers support both IPv4 and IPv6. Linux, Windows, MacOS, iOS, *BSD, Solaris, Android all support IPv6. What hasn't happened is turning on IPv6 on the ISP links and that is mainly but not solely due to lack of IPv6 in home routers.

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