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Comment Re:Boeing vs Airbus (Score 1) 603

On the other hand, there have been incidences with Boeing aircraft which are believed would have been solved by automated systems such as AA flight 965 (Colombia 1995) where if the airbrake was automatically retracted the pilot would have been able to climb a way safely. .

Interesting argument considering flight 965 was doomed due to it's autopilot in the first place.

Comment This. (Score 4, Interesting) 220

"seconds are consumed as the pigs teeter, slide and roll off planks or are crushed under slow falling debris. "

This, this and this. There is something very satisfying about watching a structure teeter at the brink and then fall over in a spectacle of smashing debris.
Also, the other day i figured out that i could topple a tower by timing a bird strike to correspond with the pendular motion of the structure after an initial strike. It blew my shit away....that realization.....the satisfaction of that......the simplicity of it.... It's a good simple game, can't we just enjoy it?

Comment Re:All worked up over a 5.6? (Score 1) 202

A shallow 5.6 in an area not accustomed to earthquakes? Plus the flat expanse of land in that area (waves travel baby)? Plus the brick-o-rama of buildings in that area?
Yes, they are worked up about it. I wasn't there, but i would be willing to bet that THAT kind of earthquake felt substantially stronger (and was felt in a much wider area) than a similar energy release in the bay area.

Comment Re:I'm in OK right now, felt the quake last night. (Score 1) 202

I think that the reason you did not see people streaming from buildings or doing anything is because nobody knows what they are supposed to do in an earthquake.

Ironical. You're actually not supposed to run out of a building during an earthquake. So by not knowing what to do, they did the right thing.

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