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Comment Re:Waste (Score 1) 343

I think the size of an economy is a less talked about factor here.

A very small country would do great with socialism, which may not be easily acceptable by bigger economies

Also, the temperament of the people of a country goes a long way in deciding what system of economics is adopted.

I would not suggest anything other than free market capitalism for the US. This is because Americans love spending. We are a greedy people by nature.

Comment Re:so? (Score 1) 343

MS puts money in people's pockets by hiring.

Also it ensures that a gentry of high income, educated and civilized people inhabit the areas. (As opposed to gangstas from the hood)

"high income" being the keyphrase here, since these are the people that pay the most taxes to the state.

It's foolish.

And yet they're doing it and there have been no riots on the streets

Comment Re:47% (Score 1) 1038

So more than half the average american population does not know that the earth is covered in 70% water?

why is this surprising at all? I mean it's not on "american idol" or "dancing with the starts". It's not a song in "rock band". You can't play it on the wii or playstation or xbox. You can't know this from facebook or myspace or twitter. There is'nt an action movie about it.

So of course America does'nt know or care what the earth is covered in

This is the average man that we are talking about who has an IQ of a 100 (not that memorizing a fact requires intelligence, only paying attention in school)

I bet that the average IQ of all the people on slashdot is upwards of 120. (mine is 120)

Comment Usable Energy (Score 1) 171

Ok so here's an idea..

We have objects flying around near the ISS at miles per second speeds, right?

Why can't we utilize the kinetic energy of these objects?

Or create our own probes that orbit earth and convert the earth's gravitational energy into kinetic energy that can *somehow* be transmitted back to earth?

jus sayin

Comment Re:Exploits abound (Score 1) 532

Since IE is the "Default" browser it is the most exploited

No, IE is most exploited because it is full of holes. Since the source is closed, only the idiots who wrote the crap in the first place get to look at the holes and try and fix them.

And since they are idiots, they create more holes.

I betcha if they open the IE source, MS will quickly become the laughing stock of the industry for the quality of code they have in there

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