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Comment Re:Cat feeder (Score 1) 49

"Do these cats have an innate "need" to be round?"

That cat has met a physicist who has told them that to achieve their full feline powers (temporal and spatial displacement), they need to be spherical.

Our Bonny could move from upstairs, asleep, to standing by her bowl downstairs without any noise of her passage, and in a time interval too short to measure. We consider it a done deal that cats can travel through hyperspace at warp speed. Although we also consider it entirely likely that Bonnie, who was as idle as the day is long, was not actually putting any effort into travelling. She would enter hyperspace, then stick her claws into the Universe, and yank it to wherever she wanted it to be.

Comment This Land is My Land (Score 1) 266

Britain does not exist solely for the benefit of businesses. The rest of us need to be able to keep some places that are green, quiet, and untouched. Because our sanity needs that.

Moreover, if those businesses are allowed to tarmac over everything, which is what they want; then the wildlife that keeps our ecology going, that pollinates the farm crops and orchards, that fertilises and aerates the soil, will all fuck off somewhere else where our noise and fumes can't reach them.

The FA talks about "capricious politicians", but does not mention how easy it is to get them to do what you want, if you are big enough and discreet enough with the stuffed brown envelopes. [And don't you dare say that does not happen].

Comment Re:Politics meets reality (Score 1) 48

"It would be nice if some "science-y" people informed the Biden administration of the cost, engineering time and infrastructure work needed to the electric grid before it can support a 100% EVs America"


When all American cars are EVs, their charging will require around 15-20% of current grid usage.
At night, grid usage falls by about 20% (TA-DA!).

So EVs will mostly have the effect of balancing the grid and making it more efficient.

Comment EU is a eunuch, and Russia that made it that way (Score 1) 144

"Sanctions have not yet been imposed in order to coordinate with the European Union, which has yet to announce what its package will be, Mr Wallace suggested."

The EU has not announced a package of measures because there isn't going to be one.

The EU has decided to pretend that none of this is happening, and that anyway Russia can do what it wants.

Please note - this is the EU that has been saying for decades that it is the reason why there has been no war in Europe since WWII (bollocks). The EU never acknowledges the role of NATO.

This entire situation has been engineered by Russia over decades, by persuading Germany to give up nuclear power, and by selling in the Nordstream pipelines. Now Russia has Germany by the balls, and France has its head so far up its own ass that it can't see into next week.

Comment Alternative Metric (Score 1) 242

I live in the countryside, about an hour on a fast train from London.

I know a local real estate agent who specialises in high-end country properties. He and his colleagues are swamped with enquiries (5 times normal) and actual purchase handling (3 times normal?).

All those buying are people who have decided that if they are going to work from home, they want a nice home with views, clean air, a local school for the kids, and locally-produced food, as opposed to grimy city streets where the view is brick walls.

And since their London home is priced far higher than it is worth anywhere else, they can sell up in London, buy a bigger place in the country, and have cash left over.

Nobody is going to be willing to reverse that decision.

Comment Re: The answer is in TV Police documentaries (Score 4, Insightful) 287

We have two such documentaries here (Traffic Cops; Poilice Interceptors). Anyone who watches them knows that the cops regularly encounter drunk drivers who hop out after the crash and go sit in the back. Human cheating; a simple and obvious explanation.

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