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Comment Re:Not a technical problem (Score 1) 134

Legislation doesn't need to be so severe to have an impact, and to allow others to attempt viable alternatives. This could come in the form of splitting up the companies, that worked in the past with oil and telcos. Split away Instagram, messaging, VR, etc.

Limiting the amount of data they retain about you wouldn't necessarily kill them either, they could still serve ads, just not so surgically targeted. Revenue would go down certainly, but it wouldn't be zero. See DuckDuckGo.

Facebook have so much momentum now that even a competitor with the same business model would never even get off the ground, let alone someone with an ethical approach. The playing field needs to be leveled.

Imagine also if, say, legislation was passed to make it illegal to employ people outside law enforcement to review extreme content, images, video etc. I can think of strong arguments for doing this. Despite what anyone in the field says, AI / machine learning is years (decades) away from being able to automate this task effectively. Facebook would be flooded with obscene content in a matter of days, causing a huge headache. Just sayin'.

Comment Not a technical problem (Score 4, Insightful) 134

"Then one day, someone smart built a new technology that didn't require people to sign away their information."

Facebook is an economics and legislature problem, not a technical problem. There will always be a long line of people like Zuckerberg who will step in to make a 'free' service to compete with anything you have to charge for, until legislation is passed to make it impossible.

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