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Comment Re:He Won! (Score 2, Interesting) 467

No matter how you want to look at it, this whole mess is very very irregular and makes no sense at all. It smells of fraud and if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck.......chances are that it's a duck. I also wouldn't put it passed the Republican party in SC to want to insure that DeMint beats down a black Democratic candidate by a very large margin. That would give him plenty of angles to spin this as an anti-Obama victory.

Comment Re:Radio? (Score 2, Insightful) 601

Well there is a big difference between individual songs played on the radio as opposed to individual songs bought on iTunes. Yes, the radio plays their songs stand alone, but if I liked the song "Money" and I wanted to hear it again I have to go buy "Dark Side of the Moon" where I will be exposed to all of the songs on the album. Now if they were sold as singles on iTunes, well all I would ever hear was "Money". I would never be exposed to any of the much better songs on the original album.

Comment Re:Sweet spot (Score 1) 1027

I only pirate to check the game out. If I like it and it's enjoyable, I will go out and buy the game. I've been burned way too many times on buying a game that complete rubbish. As for the DRM which requires constant internet access, I just avoid those game in general. It feels too much like collusion with the internet providers and it is not a healthy thing. I hope that there is a backlash on this and companies reconsider the policy. I would be more than glad to give up playing games if this practice ever became the norm.

Comment Re:A Christian's take (Score 1) 1252

See, you have made the same mistake in the use of "proven" that many people do. A Proof is a mathematical term which can't be applied to non-testable ideas. So since creationism is based on something that is impossible to measure, it cannot be proven. I hesitate to say that Evolution has been proven because I am not familiar with any mathematical studies of the evolutionary process. The theory of evolution however, has been tested and observations have been made that support the theory. So we do know for a fact that the evolutionary process occurs, but it hasn't been "proven" in the mathematical view. And, please if there is anyone more knowledgeable in this please correct me if I am wrong. And a scientist believing in a creator does not mean that Creationism is valid. It makes sense that most scientists would be religious due to the fact that Christianity is indoctrinated into every facet of American life. Even I have a hard time saying that God doesn't exist because I've been told so long that he/she does exist and I have no way to prove or test that he/she doesn't. So I consider it a non-issue and move on. My whole point however is that creationism belongs in the realm of theology and not science based strictly on that fact that it cannot be tested.

Comment Jar Jar more popular than you think. (Score 1) 474

You do realize that Jar Jar is the most popular Star Wars character with kids right? Us arrogant adults assumed that Lucas was making the prequels for us but he didn't. It was made for kids of this generation and to them Jar Jar was pretty funny. I can't even get my nephew to sit through the original trilogy. All he ever wants to watch of Star Wars is the Phantom Menace.

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