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Comment Re:This is easy (Score 5, Informative) 170

I had assumed that everyone was aware that Hauwei started out by copying Cisco's code and manuals - byte for byte - word for word. Programming errors and typos in the manuals were all fully duplicated in Hauwei's product. Based on some of the replies to my first post, I guess everyone was not aware of this.
Cisco sued Hauwei and settled out of court. Here is Cisco legal filing (details on pg 3 & 4):
TFA asked who owns & controls Hauwei. We don't know what the terms of the legal settlement were. Maybe Cisco owns a large stake.

Comment Re:Why do traders have such worst-case rules? (Score 5, Insightful) 460

Exactly. Some of those automated trades were selling stocks at pennies on the dollar when there was no fundamental reason for that stock to be down at all that day. I would think the fact that these auto trades caused banks to lose millions would be the incentive for the banks to fix the system themselves.

Comment Can't believe it (Score 3, Insightful) 159

From the article:

that CS disk drives are more sensitive to the vibration from physically coupled adjacent disk drives.


The problem is that most civilians don’t understand the problem and are not willing to pay to solve it.

Why should most people care about vibration caused by adjacent drives if most people only have one drive.

The other issue from TFA is that I can't believe a different rack can cause 250% performance improvement, unless you really stacked the deck against steel racks - loose screws, hard drives not properly mounted...? I assume this means that current server racks see I/O rates that are only 40% of what is advertised by manufacturers. Are we expected to believe that no one has noticed this? What about multiple drives in a server. There is no rack separating those drives. This reads like marketing, not real research. is the site if you are interested and the "research" is several months old.

Comment Of course. (Score 4, Insightful) 178

Given that "data" must be transmitted over the same mediums used by existing monopolies for decades (cable, phone, fiber, satellite), how could anyone expect anything different. I'm thankful I have at least 2 choices. It took a long time for me to have 2 choices for phone or TV.

Comment Re:You're Kidding (Score 4, Insightful) 236

Exactly. He swapped every piece of hardware - saving the engineering sample CPU as the last thing he swapped. The system ran fine under Win 7 32 bit. You have to assume that hardware still works fine and that the problem was 64bit specific - which points to the CPU. Granted Intel said it should support 64bit, but it was an engineering sample.
He replaced the case, power supply, the video card, the mother board, the hard drives, and the cables first??

Comment VCR with IR emitter (Score 4, Insightful) 554

Before DVR, VCRs used to have IR emitters that would change the channel on the cable box automatically at the right time. You just need to find one of these.
Granted this might be a bit high-tech for some, but if someone was already programming their cable box to change the channel for the VCR, then they should be able to figure out the IR emitter.

Comment Last man standing... (Score 1) 45

This last round of the competition is last man standing derby, so it poses an odd challenge for AI. Someone should probably first develop lots of agressive AI players as expected, but then train the final AI to sit on the sidelines until only one other opponent is left. The final problem, of course, is what happens if everyone does this.

Comment Re:Missing something (Score 0, Troll) 441

He's graduating now, so that means at the end of his second year he couldn't figure out why a string named string was a problem, and today he's not smart enough to create multiple online personalities so that these old posts don't trace back to him.
I agree with others who state that they only hire the best people they can find. If this is the only thing I know about the person (besides the resume), then he will end up in the reject list. There are plenty more applicants without negatives. As others have said, open source projects will help, but this late in the game it will look like what it really is - a last ditch effort to build the resume. What did this person do with his summers since starting college? Any co-ops or side projects? Or did he deliver pizzas and play video games all day?

Comment Re:paper was in PLoS Biology not PLoS One (Score 1) 115

If you like the article, try this one: Teamwork in Genetic Programming.
I did this 15 years ago, but unfortunately I didn't have access to real robots. Just computer simulation.
Simulated ants used teamwork to lift heavy pieces of food - if they all stopped and waited at the first food they found they would wait forever because there weren't enough of them. Had to have some intelligence.
There were also some water crossing problems where some ants (but not all) had to sacrifice themselves to build a bridge to reach the food.
Some solutions that were created by the GP were actually better than things that I had thought of on my own. Ex: I expected the ants to use pheromones to either attract or repel other ants. In one example the ants used pheromones to determine if an ant should go into the water. Every cycle every ant would release a pheromone. An ant would only enter water to build a bridge if they didn't detect any pheromones. Only the ants on the edge of the growing pheromone cloud would enter the water. After the fifth turn, no more ants would enter the water because the entire map was filled with pheromones. The ants created a way of using pheromones to measure time to limit the number of ants that died. Very unexpected but it worked faster than any other solution.

Comment If you are to change providers... (Score 1) 539

Don't ever go by web sites that rank the top 10 providers. Those are all paid placements.
Sometimes good providers turn bad. Forums provide the most up to date info.
I've found this site to provide useful info:
Just go with the opinions of those with lots of posts that don't appear to be promoting a single agenda.

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