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Comment Re:Trade secret? (Score 1) 74

Future plans would, by definition, be unreleased product, so that does not count.

And it doesn't really matter what they 'consider' public domain. A car manufacturer may very well 'consider' his design to be a secret, but once the car is available for sale they can't successfully claim it IS a secret - it is right out there in public view. There may well be things that ARE secret, like how the design was done, what tools were used, etc, but those can not be determined by examining a care (well, if they can be determined then they aren't secret). If there are elements of the design that they wish to protect, then patents are used.

Someone below used the example of Coca-Cola. Coke keeps it's formula secret. But if someone figures out the formula (without doing something illegal like breaking in to the vault) they can't claim the 'trade secret' was stolen.

The only way an NDA makes sense in this case is if they planned to have every person who entered one of 'their' datacenters, for all eternity, sign an NDA. Doesn't make sense.

Comment Re:is this good? (Score 2) 159

that would suggest that (1) they don't understand what a password is actually protecting or is for, and (2) the incentives aren't correctly aligned

You missed the most obvious choice: they don't think like a criminal, and have no idea what lengths a criminal will go to, or the tools they will use, to break in.

There is no other area in life where an ordinary person is expected or required to act like a complete paranoid, but that is exactly what is expected by you.

The problem is not users, the problem is that passwords are a crappy way to protect something.

Comment Re:Leave then (Score 1) 886

Because you can ALREADY choose to do business or not depending on arbitrary made-up criterion. You CAN'T currently do it based on religion (or race, color, national origin, etc). Don't want to serve someone based on how they are dressed? Your right. Only want to serve people of a certain income level? Your right.

Comment Re:The attic is the gap... (Score 1) 247

How do you figure? A second cover isn't free, in fact it could be quite expensive. However, if the second cover is doing something else, like generating electricity, that offsets the cost. Then you have two benefits, electricity and a cooler house. My house was shaded by a large tree. When we lost the tree the second story was much hotter. That tree was our second cover, and it made a lot of difference.

Comment Re:My $0.02 (Score 1) 98

Biogradable, whether defined by the goverment or not, has a specific meaning. If a substance can be broken down by an organism (fungi or bacteria) it is biodegradable. If a substance can be broken down under 'natural' conditions it is compostable, which is not the same thing.

I don't know how this guy stores his poncho, but chances are it has not been subjected to the bacteria or fungus needed to break it down. That in no way implies 'lying' by the manufacturer, just that the guy doesn't know what biodegradable means.

Comment Re:But they help also (Score 1) 366

Medallions only cost $1,000,000 because of this thing called 'surge pricing'. It is a perfectly legimate business practice according to Uber and its defenders. See, the theory is, if the price goes up that high then more people will be willing to sell their medallions, and that is better for everyone. The fact that you can't afford a ride (oops, medallion) at that rate is immaterial.

Comment Re:But they help also (Score 3, Insightful) 366

The 'market based solutions' you are so in love with were the norm in the past, and they failed miserably. It is why we have the system we have now. It turns out people did not want so damn many taxis on the street that traffic didn't move, taxis running over people to get to a fare because they had to compete with each other, rates that changed at the drivers whim, no accountability, drivers squeezing the most out of each fare because it was unlikely they would get another, etc.

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