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Comment Re:Safety vs Law (Score 2) 475

The low speed limit is not dangerous, the change in speed limit without warning is dangerous.

And learn some defensive driving. Here's a tip: if you are approaching a blind curve (as you claim) where you can't see what it around it, and someone is following you too closely, SLOW DOWN before you get to the 'have to slam on brakes' stage. If you can't see a 'dangerous' speed limit sign, you also might not see people, animals, disabled vehicles, etc that could also cause you to 'slam on the brakes'.

Comment Re:Safety vs Law (Score 2, Informative) 475

Wrong, wrong, wrong. It is 100% the fault of the person making an unsafe lane change if there is an accident, NOT the person who was driving too slow for your taste. You still have not given a single legitimate reason why low speed limits (by themselves), or slow drivers (by themselves) are dangerous.

Comment Re:A limit is a limit (Score 1) 475

And just how often does that situation arise (outside of movies). By far, most 'getting run over by a semi' incidents do not occur when the car in front actually had the option to speed up. They happen because traffic suddenly slows or stops. So that leaves really only a few possibilities: the truck is out of control (runaway truck), the driver is asleep or incapcitated, or the driver is intentionally trying to hit you. None of those situations are likely to be solved by increasing your speed a few MPH.

Comment Re:The NFL is a NON-Profit Organization (Score 1) 216

Do you know what profit is? It has nothing to do with 'controlling the experience' or 'generating so much revenue.' Profit is income minus expenses. While everyone likes focusing on the revenue number, they conveniently ignore the expenses, which happen to be exactly the same as the revenue. Why? Because all the revenue the NFL makes is distributed to the teams, which are NOT non profits and DO pay taxes.

Comment Re:Put in a separate table (Score 1) 62

You have indeed 'changed everyones CC#'. EVERYONE. For ALL CARDS. Every single stored CC number is now useless. Every recurring payment will fail. What an absolutely great opportunity for phishing. Every week or so you can expect to receive a 'there is a problem with your account, please log on and re-enter your CC information, this is for your security' letter. Wonderful.

Joe's Hot Dog shopped got hacked and a few thousand CC numbers were compromised. Let's invalidate every stored CC number in the whole world! No economic harm from that, no indeed.

Comment Re:Put in a separate table (Score 1) 62

OK, so company 'A' gets hacked and all of their saved credit card information is breached. No problem (according to you), just change the salt! Presto magico, nobody can use the information that was stolen. Which means that EVERY stored credit card number (now 'hash') is invalid, everywhere. Not just compromised cards, every single one. Every recurring payment is invalid. Every pending payment is invalid. Great idea.

Comment Re:Put in a separate table (Score 1) 62

No sane developer does this, because it is worthless. The SSN IS the identifier of the user. Without the SSN, you have no idea who the user is. Use the hash instead of the SSN? Now the hash is exactly as sensitive as the SSN was in the first place. You have added unnecessary complications and have provided zero improvement in security.

Comment Re:Put in a separate table (Score 1) 62

Huh? Surely for an IRS transaction the SSN is the identifier of the person. What are you going to compare the hash with? How would you know who the person is to compare the hash with if all you have is the hash? So instead, the hash becomes the identifier, and thus becomes exactly as sensitive as the SSN was in the first place.

Comment Re:and what would i do with it? (Score 1) 127

Just out of curiousity, what kind of parts are you talking about, where a 3D printed piece of plastic would be an acceptable replacement? In my work on my own older home, the things that are in the can't find/hard to find category are all either structural (2x4s that are actually 2 inches by 4 inches), functional (doorknobs, etc), or decorative (plaster rosettes, etc). None of those are suitably replaced with a piece of plastic, regardless of whether or not it actually 'fits'.

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