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Comment Re:Fed Up with useless security (Score 2) 288

So set your computer to not require a password at login, and not require unlocking when you wake the screen.

And tell your email client to remember your password. Every one I've ever used (going back to the '80s) has been able to do that. If by some miracle yours isn't, get another one.

Your web browser should be able to remember most of the other passwords for you.

You're out of luck with the MMOs, however.

Comment Re:Innovation vs rent-seeking (Score 1) 166

They don't want the government to tilt the playing field their way.

They want to be allowed onto the field at all.

The contract in question was no-compete. There was no bid. The USAF just said 'We're gonna buy some rockets from these guys over here. We're not even considering anyone else.' And SpaceX said 'WTF? Hey judge, shouldn't people be able to compete for this contract?'

And the judge apparently thinks that idea has enough merit to block the no-compete sale while it's thoroughly investigated.

Comment Re:Too bad it sucked (Score 1) 52

Honestly, give it a try now. It still has micropayments, but you can entirely ignore them.

They patched it and changed the game massively, removing the 'collect keys to open gates to progress', simplifying the map, and adding the Zen Garden in.

I still prefer the first one, but with the latest patches 2 is pretty good.

And I really like the Laser Beans.

Comment Magazines calculated to drive you MAD (Score 2) 285

I still read Mad Magazine.

It's changed some since I first discovered it (and guffawed at it) decades ago, but it still has some pretty good writing and I get enough chuckles out of it to justify the sub.

The problem with Mad is that Mad will never be as funny as it was when you first discovered it - and it doesn't matter when that was. To me the funniest Mad articles are from the '80s. My Dad read it in the '60s, and thinks those are the best years. I have the whole run on DVD, and the '60s stuff doesn't strike me as funny as the '80s stuff.

The other problem with Mad is that pop culture has become self-parodying, which makes the parodist's job much more difficult.

(Mad isn't a news publication. But the question didn't specify that the periodicals be USEFUL, just worth reading!)

Comment Re:Q10 or Wiko (Score 1) 303

A lot of Android apps, even ones that run just fine on the BlackBerry Z10, fail miserably on the Q10.

I think it's because of the perfectly square screen - the hardware doesn't HAVE a 'portrait' or 'landscape' mode, so the app goes AUGHWTFBBQ and quits.

The other issue I have is that the hardware keyboard simply doesn't work in a lot of Android apps. Letters will type the wrong character, and using the Sym key to access things like the = is a real crapshoot.

All of which is extra-irksome because there are some apps which simply don't have a BB10 equivalent, even when there's a BB7 version. An AOL Instant Messenger client, for instance.

I really like my Q10 overall, but the Android sandbox still needs work.

Comment Re:Erm, the 3DS (Score 1) 559

Touchscreen is a horrible interface for FPS. The only way I've found to make touchscreen FPS controls not suck is to use a Bluetooth controller and some controller-mapping software. Or an nVidia Shield.

I would far rather use the 3DS's controls for an FPS. (Use the analog stick for look and the ABXY buttons to move, shoot with the triggers. It works well.)

What I can't figure out with mobile strategy games is, why are they all RTSes? I haven't found any turn-based games, which I think would be far more suited to touchy-pokey controls.

Am I just not finding them? Is there some Android equivalent of Heroes of Might and Magic out there? Heck, HoMM3's interface actually works perfectly well on a touchscreen - I've played it on a Windows slate. And I'd happily re-buy it for my phone if it existed.

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