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Comment Re:I don';t think so.... (Score 0) 378

You can't swing a cat in the Bay Area without hitting a dozen ex-Googlers. I totally believe that there are tons of "Xooglers" at Facebook... because there are tons of Xooglers at every tech company within 100 miles of Mountain View. It's just a matter of the numbers. Google is enormous—5% of their workforce could staff all of Facebook—and there's a steady stream of people coming and going. I'm sure good engineers have left for Facebook, and I'm equally sure that good engineers have left for other companies as well.

Comment Re:Without specifics, I think we should be wary... (Score 3, Informative) 452

There is no such crime as "sex by surprise." This fictitious crime was invented by Dana Kennedy at AOL News and has been widely debunked. Assange is accused of rape, sexual molestation, and unlawful coercion. See

Comment Rape allegations (Score 4, Interesting) 452

I know this is probably asking too much of Slashdot, but in discussing the rape allegations against Assange, let's please remember that it's well within the realm of possibility for all three of the following to be true simultaneously:
  1. Wikileaks is important, and we should promote its continued existence.
  2. The tactics in use by various governments to pursue the rape allegations against Assange are politically motivated.
  3. The rape allegations are true and Assange should be held to account.

(Please note that I am saying these three things can all be true at the same time, not that any one or all of them necessarily are.)

Many falsehoods have been spread about the allegations against Assange. In addition, the circumstances surrounding the allegations, as well as certain actions by the women who made them, have been used to discredit those women. But these are, as Kate Harding puts it, "tactics used to discredit rape victims every day, and not Really Convincing Special Facts About This Particular Case." [1] (I very strongly urge you to read her piece in its entirety.)

Please don't let your admiration for Assange's work with Wikileaks prevent you from taking seriously an accusation of rape. Rape is a serious crime, and accusations of rape need to be taken seriously, even if—perhaps especially if—they are made against people we otherwise consider to be heroic.

[1] "Some Shit I'm Sick of Hearing Regarding Rape and Assange":

Comment Re:How compatitble (Score 1) 345

I know they're trying to pretend they're sending "messages", but what they ended up with is virtually identical to the standard in C except in superficial syntax.

They're not pretending, and the difference is anything but superficial. Messages are dispatched and resolved at runtime. Go disassemble a program written in Objective-C if you don't believe me. The object and the message name are pushed onto the stack and then the Objective-C dispatcher is invoked.

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