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Comment Re:Good book on licensing (Score 1) 360

Thanks, I'll check this out. I've seen more tech failures because someone was jealous of their ideas, and I never want to make that mistake. I want everyone who wants to to be able to play with this. I think it's a big idea with huge possibilities and I certainly don't want to encourage and not stand in the way of any innovation. at the same time, That's why the first thing I want to make is a dev kit. On the other hand, I want to be able to share in any profits that come out of it.

Comment Re:Open source? (Score 2, Informative) 360

You address this as if a dev kit were to be my product. It's intended merely to promote and showcase the technology. Companies that see the capabilities and possibilites can then go on to license and develop their own targeted products, for example, fully instrumented sport clothing that could capture your golf game to a flash drive for later playback and analysis What's .01% of that market?

Comment Re:Help will be required (Score 3, Informative) 360

Most common applications I foresee are for biologic tracking, legs, arms, hoofs, hands and fingers, fins, etc. Because it's wireless RF based most industrial applications would probably introduce too much reflective multipath. And the application has just been submitted and is not yet public, but the title is "Methods, Apparatus and Systems for Wireless Determination of Relative Spatial Relationship between Two Locations."

Comment Re:Open source? (Score 1) 360

Exactly the way I wish to proceed, especially with the dev kits. My problem is the $100K or so of upfront design it takes to get to get to the Gerber files necessary to start production of them. My early and, perhaps premature, estimate of cost of production is below $500 a unit, one a line gets rolling.

Comment Re:Think about your goals (Score 1) 360

I see this as a low-cost mass market commoditiy opening applications in sports, medicine, gaming, exercise, vetrinary, an on. I haven't given the traditional mocap market much attention since this technology is 1) very disruptive due to it's very low cost and 2) a motion picture studio has a market for a few of these and if they're selling in the $1 or less range, it's a great deal for them, but not much of a market for me.

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