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Comment Re:Even higher! (Score 1, Insightful) 1040

Pull your head outta your ass for 2 sec and understand the problem, the new pay for employee's gets pasted on to customers a lot of them are ones making that 15$ an hour which makes their wage increase less helpful, plus if company wants to minimize the increase in their prices they have 2 options, stop hiring or fire some people. doing massive pay hikes ends up doing as much or more harm then it help's and turns in nothing more the something politicians use in their coming campaign

Comment Re:Behind the curve (Score 2, Insightful) 1040

"If you raise the minimum wage so that they only need one job it will open up more positions for currently unemployed people."
Um the problem with that assessment is you assume it will open more job's and not kill them since now company has to pay more out per employee, which to make up difference means raising prices which in turn raises cost of living. As I said kill job's cause now people want a job in the city but will travel outside the city for lower prices cause people paid less hence problem just compounds itself and ends up killing job's in the city and people are right back to needing multiple job's.

Comment Re:nVidia Being nVidia (Score 1) 69

"In fact, he claims that AMD's own developer relations efforts have prevented NVIDIA from getting its hands on early builds of some games."
Yea everyone forget about tomb raider? Nvidia never got early release of the game to optimize drivers they had to wait til game was officially released before they got one.

Comment well IMO (Score 0) 143

"hopefully for the individuals responsible for the massive fraud that occurred at Mt. Gox to be put to justice"
Since bitcoin's only value is what some people put on it, and only hand full of governments even recognize it as legit currency, Stealing bitcoins amounts to nothing more then stealing someone gold in WoW, guildewars2, diablo3, etc.

Comment Re:Muni Fiber (Score 1) 238

"Obama, who was supposed to be the first president who "got" the Internet, turned out to be the worst of the bunch" That is why when a Politician speaks during a campaign speech, always assume 99.8% of every word spoken is nothing more then Bullshit that people he is talking to just wants to hear. Call me what you will for this, all Politicians are full of shit, but Obama is so full of shit IT turned him black.

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