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Comment Re:Could be a different route involved for the VPN (Score 1) 398

You are already late to the game. Tons of ISPs have direct contracts with companies for direct peering. Things like ESPN360 and the like have existed for years and are ISP specific.

What we are seeing Netflix do here is smart for both them and the ISPs that are offering to host them. They send one data stream to a colo box that the ISP is hosting, and the the massive bandwidth that it generates is moved from their expensive pipes to the "free" pipes they already own. They aren't offering any services that aren't available to the rest of the world (in fact Netflix is doing this all over the place -- ISPs, Universities, etc, and building their own CDN).

Comment Re:Could be a different route involved for the VPN (Score 1) 398

But you are under the grand assumption that Level-3 is going to charge Verizon more because of the imbalance. Something they have NOT said. In fact, they have a blog post on their site (quoted multiple times in this thread already) they will NOT be charging Verizon more, and have offered to pay for the equipment to do it.

In the old-world, peering arrangements between backbone providers and ISPs were all about symmetrical data. That day is LONG gone. Now it is all about bandwidth and that is it. It's well known that the last-mile providers are heavy downloaders and that large hosting companies are large uploaders. It's just the nature of the internet as we know it. Peering arrangements between large backbone providers (which is the knowledge you are referring to) are generally seen as symmetrical.

Comment Re:One might say (Score 2) 174

Mappoint did a lot more than Bing does... And the VPs who think Bing is the answer have no idea.

Mappoint is closer to ArcGIS than it is a consumer mapping applications. It had an extensive set of APIs that you could allow apps to push data onto maps, it allowed statistical queries and it allowed complex boundaries. etc... all back in 2004. Heck, they even had some traffic data built in for their analysis.

I remember when Verizon used on-site Mappoint servers to allow dispatchers to use Verizon phones as tacklers (this was before smartphones), so dispatchers could see where certain trucks were, directions they were going, etc.

Comment Re:Sheer insanity (Score 4, Informative) 214

It all depends on what you are shooting. I'm paid to cover an event (concert, wedding, conference, etc), and don't second chances -- let alone much time to setup the shot -- so I take two or three exposures per "shot". It's easier to discard later than it is to miss the shot. When I shoot a concert, I'm shooting the entire 3 or 4 hours. A wedding, I'm shooting for usually a 12 hour period, at least. A conference may be over 4 days, and a runner's race might be over the course of a full day. Each event usually produces just as many shots.

If I only was shooting a potted plant I might only need three exposures because I can carefully plan the shot, adjust the lighting, and edit the shot thoughtfully for an extended period of time. A senior photo shoot might only need 20 exposures. But when you are working events with moving lights, moving people, and instantly changing emotions, the difference between 1/3 of second between exposures can make the photo while the next one is too dark, missing the person, or doesn't show what I want it to show.

I don't deal with film anymore. Space is cheap. Exposures only cost power. In this day and age there is no reason to not take too many photos and throw out or ignore the ones you don't want.

Comment Re:Sheer insanity (Score 1) 214

I shoot live events. Typically concerts or conferences, but I've done weddings and other engagements like that as well. It is not unusual to snap between 1,200 shots and 1,800 shots in one evening between my three cameras. My 7Ds stores RAW files sized about 50MB or so each. My 5D-MK3 ends up somewhere in the 35-40MB range per shot. Heck, even my backup 60D takes 35MB RAWs.

I don't delete shots that make my first pass. Blurry ones, or test shots usually get deleted but the rest stay. I edit the ones I feel the client want and store the rest. I've often come across clients that want a photo of person X or a particular moment in time that didn't make it through my 2nd pass, so the small cost of storage is worth it. I have a few 3TB drives that get put into storage after they are full.

Comment Re: My plan is to wait and see (Score 1) 214

Yes, but you can't GET a backup installer, if you bought from the App Store. Oh, and the most recent versions, you could ONLY buy from the App Store. As soon as Apple removes it from the store, you can't re-install. You are not only responsible for the data you own, but the installers you use -- and you can't get access to them in this case.

Comment Re:Administrators (Score 3, Informative) 538

Here is the dirty little secret -- there hasn't been a huge influx of money. It used to be that most public schools got a majority of their funding from the state they reside in. Back in 1990, the public schools in Illinois got approximately 70% - 80% of their budget from the state. In 2010, this number is now 20%. Many states have also capped the school's ability to increase tuition to help back-fill this huge reduction in funding. The cost of things like power, water, gas, food, insurance, etc all continue to go up, and in most cases, the corporate donations to schools that used to fund research has gone down. Demand for increased enrollment has gone up (because every child NEEDS to attend school).

What you have is a case where there is much more pressure applied to each dollar that walks in that door. In response, schools have been cutting everywhere -- including the amount they spend on faculty.

Comment Re:It doesn't take a genius to come up with an att (Score 1) 155

tl;dr -- It's not as big of a deal as the TFA makes it out to be. The vector of attack is incredibly small, very well protected and requires a very specifically trained person with very trusted access to do. And the result would be that all they get is a webpage to pop up on a TV, that is turned on, that is tuned to that channel, and has the viewer's attention. Oh, and is on OTA.

I'd imagine a larger metro like Chicago you might get a few dozen people at most to be in this category.

Comment Re:But...why? (Score 1) 39

Because they offer a feature that you may not have the skills or ability to do yourself? A technology like content-aware fill is one of those billion dollar patents -- and one of the reasons why people buy Photoshop. If they license it to you so you can use it within your own app, you have that power and technology that you didn't have to develop yourself -- you just include it.

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