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Comment Re:I tried to read it (Score 1) 583

Yeah, Like Moorcock did create anything different from an endless rehash of how does the Stormbringer look in another reality and each and every one of them worse than the original Stormbringer.

As far as Fantasy being something you read when you do not read serious books:

1. Lord of Light
2. Creatures of Light and Darkness.

That? Not Serious Books?

And that is just from Zelazny and while deliberately avoiding Unicorns and Labyrinths for the sake of argument...

Comment Re:Great book (Score 1) 583

They have not gone after David Brin. He has put the same argument along with an even more scathing critique of Shanara, Star Wars and a a few others in a couple of short essays. In fact I recall a discussion around one of them on Slashdot 10+ years ago. It was either on Salon or maybe even on Slashdot itself posted by Brin.

I guess it is harder to go after a multiple winner of the Hugo and Nebula awards compared to going after a relatively unknown Russian.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 2) 505

Doubly wrong: "I don't think any parent would sacrifice anything to make sure nothing happens to their children"

1. There is something any parent must never sacrifice - it is the children future. If children are not educated in what danger is, what risk is and how to deal with them they will never ever succeed in life. The first really danegerous thing coming their way once they are outside their parents protective envelope and they are done.

2. "Nothing happens to their children" - most cretinous idea possible. Sorry, I would like stuff to happen to my children so that they learn. I do not stand right next to them in the playground and always keep at least a few paces distance. I let them fall and collect the usual playground bumps and bruises so that they do not grow up stupid uncontrollable delinquents who have no sense of danger. People laugh at the two proverbial parents standing next to a child which is trying to climb a tree in a cycling helmet for safety. Guess what, my son went and put his helment himself the first time he tried to conquer the apple in our back yard. At the age of three. I noticed what he was doing once he was already half the way up.

It is the parent's obligation to ensure that the children are not exposed to excessive danger or danger which they are not capable of handling just yet. However, limiting it to the point where "nothing happens" is the worst a parent can do.

Comment Re:open source software isn't banned (Score 3, Informative) 246


They are prohibiting neither. They are prohibiting GPLv3, not v2. The significant difference is that GPLv3 has the interesting patent "mutual assured destruction" clause which is in direct contradiction to a number Microsoft agreements with customers and policies. In fact they cannot legally redist v3 without changing the policy they take on IPR.

Comment Re:Kill switch it is... (Score 1) 126


1968. Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia. 15 minutes before the special transports cross the border a group of men in civilian clothing enters each and every airport air traffic control station across the whole of Czechoslovakia. The controllers are left standing facing the wall with one knucklehead holding a gun to their heads. In the meantime the other "gentlemen" which come after the knucleheads sit down at the workstations and continue to guide all aircraft which are traversing the Czech and Slovakian airspace while bringing in special forces transports to land. Not a single pilot flying over Czechoslovakia notices. By the time anyone notices all airports are under control and heavy transports are landing every 2 minutes bringing in tanks and troops.

So if you think that your job is irreplaceable, that you cannot be moved aside and a guy from a suitable agency will not sit down in your place in a case of emergency - think again.

Comment Re:Not Surprising (Score 2) 126

For Egypt?

No. The kill switch is two boats dragging a plough on the sea floor. One in Alexandria bay, the other one in the Red sea. In fact the Alexandria bay should be enough.

It has happened unintentionally a few times. So if someone wants to do it intentionally it is not that difficult. The areas are clearly marked on maritime navigation maps.

It will also take out most of the Middle East and drop most of the capacity to India and Pakistan to a trickle as a side effect.

Comment Re:Nuke it from orbit (Score 1) 376

Not from a Flash drive and not from any of the next gen drives which will use overlapping recording combined with Flash cache.

A flash drive has significant excess capacity to ensure acceptable sustained writing speed. When you do a DOD erase it will allocate from that pool and your data will end up unmolested in the spare pool. Unless your OS supports trim or special manufacturer supplied tools that data may linger in the pool for a considerable amount of time. The fact that you are doing a wipe can be at your disadvantage here because the controller may decide to not use any of the pool until you stop abusing it with a sustained write.

So if you want to deal with it at DIY level you do not just need a DOD wipe. You need DOD wipe with scheduled pauses to give the controller time to breathe and wipe the blocks that have gone into the spare pool.

Comment Re:Extinct species . . . (Score 1) 471

yeah, like there is any species we COULDN'T re-extinct if we need to.

Fixed that for ya. So far the most dangerous animal on planet earth is Homo Sapiens. As long as that is the case cloning anything which is big enough to shoot at is more than welcome. It will make a good addition to the Dodo and Great Awk.

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