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Comment Re:Much More Complicated Than That (Score 1) 272

"there is something sociopathic about one's business model being to make money on the suffering of others"

This is ridiculous. They aren't making money by MAKING people suffer; they are making money by STOPPING human suffering. They profit by IMPROVING human life. Hell, this is the entire idea behind things like patents and copyrights: create something that may improve the world and you get a time limited monopoly to benefit from it.

There's certainly a great amount of room for debate on how long that time limited monopoly should last.

Comment Looked at the "gender iniquity" measures (Score 1) 472

I was curious about what they used to measure "gender equality", so I took a look. They use two things. The first is the World Economic Forum's GGI, where the scale goes from 0 to 1. If I am reading it correctly, it can only register inequality when women don't rise as high as men. For example, there are a lot more black women in the US going to college than black men. This would register on the Education Attainment portion of the GGI as gender equality, despite being quite unequal.

The second was Social Watch Group's GEI. It goes from 0 to 100. Unless I'm missing something, it too is unable to measure inequality favoring women as inequality. In fact, "The way the GEI is calculated is a response to the need to reflect all situations that are unfavourable to women" is what their web page says about it. Also, "The final value on the index depends on the degree of negative inequity for women prevailing in a given country or region regardless of whether there may also be inequities that are positive for women (that is to say negative for men)."

In the study, I don't see anything acknowledging this.

Comment Re:Still readying the artical but... (Score 3, Interesting) 472

I remember seeing a comparison between regular and home schooling with regards to boys and girls reading ability. The regular schooling had the reading gap, but the home schooled kids did not have a gap. This was a few years ago and I don't remember particulars, unfortunately.

Comment Re:This is called 'Laundering' (Score 3, Insightful) 317

Except the story didn't say anything about him selling comics. Just buying them. Buying over 18,000 of them.

“Gwinn said that Aaron began to struggle with money because he would spend his drug money on comic books.”

It would be funny if he turned to meth dealing as a way to finance his addictive comic book collection habit.

Comment Re:"Death Panels" (Score 1) 2166

Ah crap.

I apologize. Someone else used a similar turn of phrase and I didn't look who you were responding to (I assumed it was me.)

His favorite books include the Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf and Alice in Wonderland.

Apparently, he also did volunteer work for... are you ready for this... a Book Fair!


Comment Re:sad (Score 0) 2166

Already forgotten the calls for the assassination of Bush? Hell, there's even a murder fantasy movie about it: Death of a President 2006

Speaking of murder fantasy movies, how about Machete? Slaughter those who don't vote for open borders!

Remember the championing of the killing of American soldiers in the field by the left?

This wouldn't be the first time that hate filled persons such as yourself blamed the Tea Party people for attacks, of course. The SUV bomb in New York was immediately pinned on the Tea Party by vile person such as yourself. The IRS building having a plane flown into it? Blamed on the Tea Party.

Have you no decency, sir? Have you no decency?

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