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Comment Hope the Auth Servers are Running! (Score 1, Troll) 271

So, does this one, like the previous, require an always-on Internet connection to Blizzard's authentication servers, the ones that are tied to all their games? Because I really don't like the idea of not being able to play a single-player game just because some recent update to WoW is overloading their servers.

Comment Re:"The Big Game"* (Score 0) 142

Well, I'll concede confusing "trademark" and "copyright," but it's not as easy as you imply: businesses may not refer to the game unless they have rights to do so (so, for example, a bar cannot say "come watch the [big game] on our flatscreens!" even though doing so in no way implies endorsement. So, the US military saying "we're broadcasting the [big game] down to our submarines, so our submariners can watch it" might indeed cause problems.

I'll also concede: I mostly just want to see the NFL file a lawsuit against the US military for trademark infringement.

Comment Re:Even the summary is backwards (Score 4, Insightful) 414

They're going to increase the profitability of manufacturing in the US by eliminating most of the costs of labor, thereby allowing more of the means of production to remain under the control -- and work to the benefit -- of capital.

I really can't imagine a move like this being unpopular and/or economically suicidal in any way whatsoever. Nope.

Comment Re:Suicide Pacts (Score 1) 609

Well, in the sense that the Republican party - or, more to the point, the supply-siders and teabaggers - have the dismantling or the New Deal, and the managed decline of the federal government as an explicit platform of their domestic policy. Since, in their argument, goverment is inherently dysfunctional and harmful, it really doesn't matter *how* they burn it down, so long as the objective is achieved.

However, I'd agree with you to the extent that the only substantial discussion going on right now in Washington is how fast and drastically social spending is to be slashed, since the Democrats have completely abandoned their core principles (namely, that government plays a positive role in the well-being of a society) in favor of the Republican position.

Comment Suicide Pacts (Score 3, Insightful) 609

The problem with the sequestration deal is that it was essentially a suicide pact: if Congress can't agree to a more-balanced budget, then savage austerity measures take effect, crippling government functioning across the board.

That's great as a motivator, except that one party is motivated by an ideology that actually wants that kind of austerity. In short: it's not a very good suicide pact if one side already has a death wish.

Also, don't worry about it being a mutual self-immolation: the Republicans will demand that only social spending (and not military) gets cut, and the Democrats will cave at the last minute in the name of compromise.
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Submission + - Study Suggests Studio Revenue Decreased After Megaupload Shutdown (torrentfreak.com)

ExecutorElassus writes: TorrentFreak is reporting a recently released study, 'Piracy and Movie Revenues: Evidence from Megaupload', which tracked film studio revenue for a five-year span surrounding the Megaupload shutdown last January. The findings might give pause to erstwhile anti-piracy crusaders like the MPAA: while revenues from blockbusters increased slightly after the online file-locker was raided, the net change in revenues was (subtly, but noticeably) negative, dragged down by decreases in revenues from smaller releases. This 'counterintuitive result,' writes the authors, suggests that 'file-sharing acts as a mechanism to spread information about a good [film] from consumers with zero or low willingness to pay to users with high willingness to pay.'

Comment "Politically Incorrect" (Score 2) 314

... is dog-whistle for "I really wish I could get away with being open about my racism/sexism/homophobia/whatever." You should really avoid hiring those people, if that's what you really mean. If you just mean "Yo, we shouldn't knock qualified applicants off the list for a pot bust ten years ago," then maybe you're on to something.

Comment Re:If AMD Dies... (Score 4, Interesting) 331

Well, I'm not entirely sure of that. For example: I do audio work, and video work, and like gaming, and compile my own software. All of those things take a robust desktop architecture to do well. You're not really suggesting that I'd switch to a tablet running BOINC in the background 24/7 while I process high-def audio files, are you?

So let's discuss alternatives. Say AMD goes down. What are my options as a consumer in, say, five years if I want to avoid Intel, but want all the horsepower I can get my hands on for a desktop workstation? I really don't thing it's going to be Qualcomm, if they're targeting low-wattage mobile devices. Are there any other CPU manufacturers who are positioned to step into that market?

Comment Re:Where are these caps? (Score 1) 419

fo reals, though. Where I live (Germany) *nobody* is selling capped internet. Providers are in bidding wars to offer faster and cheaper internet than the other guy. I get a real rate of about 4.5MB down/150k up, with no monthly limits beyond that, for €20 a month. My cell phone plan is the cheapest I could get, and it doesn't cap, either (but throttles after 50MB a month), and it costs €10 a month.

This article needs to be re-summarized to "broadband service in the US is slowly but steadily regressing."

Comment Re:official takedown notice? (Score 4, Interesting) 71

Not entirely. ContentID works by checking uploaded tracks against a database submitted by rightsholders. If the content matches, it gives the holders power to force an automatic takedown, or derive ad revenue from it. However, if the uploader disputes the claim, there was no real recourse if the claimant denied the dispute. Further, DCMA notices have to be manually filed for each uploaded file. Since Big Media is a bunch of whiny bitches, they didn't want to do that, and would much rather google does all the legwork for them.

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