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Comment Re:no (Score 3, Insightful) 678

Islam is a blight on humanity

Religion is a blight on humanity.

Fixed that for ya. Doesn't matter whether intolerance and the desire for absolute control over morality and ethics emanates from Saudi Arabia, Rome, an Anglican pulpit or some intolerant, fundamentalist bigot in the southern US of A.

Belief in mean, paternalistic sky fairies and an intense wave of misogyny is the problem, here. In other words, believe whatever you like, and practice whatever superstition you choose. But the minute you try to impose that belief on any another human being without allowing them the ability to critically question your assumptions, you're in the serious wrong and need to be bitch slapped back to sanity.

Reminds me of the recent Onion item ... No One Was Murdered Because Of This Image

Comment There is no amount of money ... (Score 1) 615

That could get me to work those kind of hours. None. Ever. I've turned down incredibly good offers (even laughed at one person who tried to convince me that it'd be great for my career and my family could come second for a few years) because there was no sense of work-life balance. Now it may be because I'm a few months away from turning 50, but I seriously have never had any clue whatsoever what drives people to even consider spending that many hours at work, even for short sprints. That sort of work is the result of nothing more than bad planning and lack of empathy for other people. I have far more important things to do than work more than the 35-40 hours I do, even if it's just weeding the lawn and dead-heading the petunias while humming Coltrane tunes to myself. No one ever died thinking "I'd wish I'd spent more time at work." Now, back to the book I was reading.

Comment It's not just Apple "abusing" the patent system (Score 1) 306

Know what tech company files nearly 10 times the number of patents in the areas of UI and what people claim are "obvious" technologies that Apple does? *Samsung*. Good for the goose, good for the gander. This is how every major (and minor) technology company plays the game these days. This isn't Apple's fault, anymore than it's the fault of IBM (huge, huge patent filer), Microsoft, Motorola, HP, Yahoo (also huge number of patents filed every year), Google, Asus or anyone else. I get tired of folks who focus solely on chastising Apple when these sorts of patents get noticed; they seem blinkered to anyone else's insane patents. For fun: take a look at the PatentBolt website and just see some of the "obvious" stuff coming out of tech firms ... Apple is no worse than any of them. A "chameleonic device" that runs different OSes from Google? A laptop with a "built-in stylus" from Toshiba! A hybrid laptop-tablet! Wow! Whatever will these multi-billion dollar tech giants "invent" next!

Comment Re:No. No it won't. (Score 1) 1226

Just a quick correction ... when you say "... my great^50000 grandfather was an ape" ... what you actually meant to say was that you and an ape in the zoo share a common ancestor some 50000 generations ago. You're great^50000 grandfather *wasn't* an ape, and neither was a modern ape an ape, but you both do share a common simian-type ancestor from which our two species diverged. But based on your rationale and well-composed point, I suspect you already know this. Just correcting for the less knowledgeable among the readers. [Thank you, science Nazi will now step down.]

Comment Re:Waste of time (Score 2) 616

Oh yes we do. Herr Harper has his own agenda of paternalistic nonsense brewing. Sending government spokespeople to monitor Federally employed scientists at climate change conferences to make sure they don't say anything that might be, you know, true. Believing the tar sands are actually made of oil and are completely an utterly non-polluting during the extraction and distillation processes. Denying climate change. Opening friendly relations with Burma on the pretext of their "slow road to democracy" when it's really about that country's decent mineral wealth. Thinking evolution's a bit wrong. Completely f-ing up the purchase of F35 fighters by knowingly hiding their true cost of ownership. At least he's terrified of the abortion issue being re-opened ... not because he's pro-choice, but simply that whatever position he'd be forced to take would wipe his political career out. Harper would love love love to emulate the "best" aspects of controlling everything said and done ... you know, because father knows best.

Comment Now I'm one of those socialist Canucks, but ... (Score 1) 616

To become a Law in your country, doesn't a Bill first have to pass both legislative bodies with a 66% vote? It failed to pass the House with this required % because of the 15 non-voting folks so there's no real way it can become a Law, is there? Please correct my US government "how-it-works"-fu if I'm mistaken.

Comment Reserves != recoverable (Score 3, Insightful) 241

Ah, the mighty and breathless media not understanding (again) that reserves != recoverable. There's a lot of water on the planet but not much of it is actually drinkable or in a form available to drink. Furthermore, the process to remove said shale "gas" involves seismic activity and a nasty, nasty (and highly secret) brew of toxic chemicals.

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