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Comment Re:That's a tiny number (Score 1) 464

As an American, why would I want a level playing field? Every country works to make things to their own advantage and I don't see why the US can't do the same. Are you also cool with him "leveling the playing field" for terrorists?

As for awareness, every one of the ECHELON countries was already aware of the vast majority of these capabilities.

Comment Re:That's a tiny number (Score -1, Troll) 464

"a whistleblower to does not let illegal and immoral acts continue is NOT the one at fault."

Except for the fact he's not a whistle-blower. Whistle-blowers only expose illegal activity. He exposed every piece of secret information he could get his hands on regardless of whether it's illegal or not. It would be like a bank employee who not only exposes illegal activity at a bank he works at but all of their internal strategy documentation. That's wrong and so is what Snowden did. It's called being a traitor.

As for your bootlicker accusation..I guess anyone who expresses a different opinion than yours is some kind of bootlicker or troll. Once again, everything I said was completely true and it's truly sad that you cannot accept the truth.

Comment Re:That's a tiny number (Score -1, Flamebait) 464

Um...no. He release EVERY FUCKING PIECE of information he had. The fact that he gave it to news outlets doesn't make it ok. I don't pay the fucking news outlets to guard my country's secrets. In fact, I would have to assume that some foreign governments have already retrieved the entire treasure trove of information because news outlets aren't experts on data security. Given the leaks, the NSA doesn't appear to be either but lets not add insult to injury.

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