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Comment Re:Velocity (Score 1) 133

I think if a civilization had the technology to spread across a galaxy there would be better means of travel.
Think about it. Our galaxy is relatively small in it is 100,000 ly in width and 20,000 ly in height. Right now we can't even get to our nearest neighbor(Alpha Centauri) in a lifetime. If we could spread across a galaxy, there would be some other amazing form of travel that would make sling-shotting around a black hole look like taking coach.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 179

Same here, I had a recall for my 2002 Ford Ranger a few years ago. I haven't owned that truck since 2007.
The recall had something to do with an ignition switch catching fire...even when the vehicle was not in use. Last I checked I don't think anyone's comp was at risk of bursting into flames due to a security patch not being installed.
Car comparisons won't work on this because if cars aren't recalled for dangerous flaws, owners and other people are in danger of injury or death. The only way my computer is going to kill someone is if i use it to beat them to death with it
(or if I play games on it for days on end.)
And there are a shit ton more articles on that topic...

Comment Re:This is MIT (Score 1) 107

More like 2009.
I stopped in 2010 due to excessive power use. I used so much power that I wasn't even breaking even with the bill. Then the final decision was made to stop when cops showed up to my house expecting to find me growing pot. I showed them my setup and explained what I was really doing.
I only see it viable if multiple people doing it at different locations and then pooling it. Later they'll kill each other until the last one gets all the gold.

Comment Re:Where's my rate cut? (Score 1) 135

But a large part of your poor NETFLIX performance was intently "allowed to happen" by Verizon in the first place, even though you were paying them for quality service.

That's the part that pisses me off about this entire situation - I, the customer, am paying X amount of dollars for Y amount of bandwidth; I am not paying them to spy on me, or throttle my connection, or limit what parts of the internet I can reasonably access, nor did I ever ask for or authorize such activity. Classic bait-and-switch, except nobody gets their ass handed to them for it.

HAHAHA...really? time to read the ToS. That phrase(not verbatim but states something like) 'monitoring their network...for suspicious activity' etc. Is just a buzz phrase for 'we can watch what you do on our network'

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