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Comment That's pretty awesome (Score 3, Interesting) 394

People will be able to distinguish between "my computer has crashed" and "Windows has crashed" because, when Windows dies, they will be able to hot-key to the still-running BIOS OS.

That's a very nice innovation. I look forward to buying a mobo which can do this.


Hadrosaur Proteins Sequenced 81

jd writes "In a follow-up study to the one on proteins found in a T. Rex bone, the team responsible for the T. Rex study sequenced proteins found in an 80-million year old Hadrosaur fossil. According to the article, the proteins found confirm the results of the T. Rex study, proving that what was found in T. Rex was not a result of modern contamination, as had been claimed by skeptics, but was indeed the genuine thing: real dinosaur protein. Furthermore, despite the new fossil being 12 million years older, they claim they got more out — eight collagen peptides and 149 amino acids from four different samples. This, they say, places the Hadrosaur in the same family as T. Rex and Ostriches, but that not enough was recovered to say just how close or distant the relationship was."

Comment Re:Colbert trumps Scientology; everyone wins. (Score 2, Informative) 471

That plan worked as well as most things Scientology does ... it backfired on them most splendidly...

... leaving people wondering why David Miscavige was sensitive to the phrase "squeal like a pig".

10 years have passed, and Scientology is still an evil, ruthless, desperate, ineffective, incompetent. laughing stock of a cult.

Comment Use OpenVZ (Score 1) 272

If you want to run linux processes with isolation from your physical machine, install an OpenVZ enabled kernel plus the openvz packages. It nicely isolates processes running inside each container; there is minimal virtualisation overhead (so you don't need a bigger machine).

Also the container root filesystem is an ordinary directory on your host. This means you can put multiple containers into a large filesystem and they share the available space, you can backup or copy containers trivially, and you can extend or reduce the amount of space available in the root filesystem while the container is running.

The amount of storage used per instance depends on your distro size; I start each instance with a minimal set of debian packages from a template occupying about 200 megs, and install more from there.

Comment Re:Sarcastic or not? (Score 1) 353

These Sennheiser earbuds are crappier than average. My best earbuds are 15+ year-old Panasonics, and I've also got a Denon set which is alright. The difference between the Panasonic and Sennheiser earbuds is like night and day. Only the Sennheisers come in a clamshell case which can't be unwound and rewound easily. They're a marvel of Stupid Design.

Data Storage

Can SSDs Be Used For Software Development? 480

hackingbear writes "I'm considering buying a current-generation SSD to replace my external hard disk drive for use in my day-to-day software development, especially to boost the IDE's performance. Size is not a great concern: 120GB is enough for me. Price is not much of a concern either, as my boss will pay. I do have concerns on the limitations of write cycles as well as write speeds. As I understand, the current SSDs overcome it by heuristically placing the writes randomly. That would be good enough for regular users, but in software development, one may have to update 10-30% of the source files from Subversion and recompile the whole project, several times a day. I wonder how SSDs will do in this usage pattern. What's your experience developing on SSDs?"

Comment And nothing of value was lost (Score 1) 398

Many of those Sydney 2000 Olympics websites would have been just ticket sales and general advertising. Much as I lament the transient nature of websites, a lot of it is just promotional material ... to pick a name at random: is a typical no-content "spam" website. It is valueless today, let alone in the future.

Comment Re:There is only one keyboard (Score 1) 523

I've got the Unicomp model M with the integrated trackpoint. Don't bother, the trackpoint tracks too slowly to be useful (and I don't know how to accelerate the trackpoint without also accelerating my other mouse).

For a media centre PC, I use a Lite-On keyboard with integrated joystick mouse. It's much better, but the keyboard uses IR to transmit to the host and it needs line-of-sight. I'll switch to Bluetooth one of these days.

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