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Comment Re:yea no (Score 1) 320

Even if they're not trying to get you to admit to other violations, if they knew who cheated, they wouldn't ask for people to come forward. Why would they? Because they want to be known for their kinder, gentler handling of cheaters? No, any time the responsible party is 'given the opportunity to come forward' it's because the people making the generous offer don't know who is responsible and figures it's worth a try.

Comment Research (Score 1) 99

It follows research into the possible impact of 3D imaging on still-developing eyes. Few countries currently have guidelines about 3D usage.

And what research is this referring to? The article gives no information about the alleged research, though it does mention Nintendo's warning on the 3DS which just happens to say the 3D feature should only be used by children 7 years or older.

Comment Technicalities (Score 4, Insightful) 198

The vaccine uses a common cold virus genetically engineered to carry a tiny piece of Ebola DNA. Sprayed up the nose, it saved all nine monkeys tested for infection.

Saved? I can believe that none of the vaccinated monkeys caught Ebola, but I'd hardly call that 'saving' them. I'd also think calling a vaccine 100% effective is a bit premature with only nine test subjects.

Comment Re:Nothing. (Score 5, Funny) 209

What I really want a home to do though, is to clean itself. Self-clean the toilets, the sinks, the shower and bathtub, the tile, the carpet, the kitchen, and to be able to lift dust off of things and dispose of it.

But a really smart home will eventually realize the most efficient way to keep the house clean is to eliminate the people and pets in it...

Comment Re:Gay? (Score 1) 764

Or you can just say "Fuck you! I'm not ashamed to be gay". Is the "proud" part necessary? The straight guy isn't "proud".

No, the pride isn't necessary to every person, but for many, after being subjected to abuse, hatred, and vitriol, a stronger response than the equivalent of "Am not.." is needed to restore self-worth and confidence. We're not talking about a debate or a logical argument here--we're talking about people's lives, identities, and emotional wellbeing. Sometimes the only healthy response to an attack is to fight back, and the way to fight attacks against your very identity is to take pride in it.

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