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Comment Re:What advice can I offer? (Score 1) 96

I'm guessing that some over sensitive teachers modded me down because they thought I was ripping on them. I'm not, simply making a statement that it is unfortunate that our education system is in a state where a teacher has to go to these lengths to find the answer they need. This should be a solved problem already.

Teaching is an exceptionally parochial profession, and I, personally, don't like to be limited to doing things the way that they're usually done.

I commend your effort to stick with it. Teaching (or rather, the political side of the teaching profession) doesn't really encourage maverickism.

Comment Re:More links! (Score 1) 88

A brief summary is great, I agree. I didn't bother to check all the links either, simply because the first one I clicked (the Zeitgeist reference) sent me to some kind of social network website with a bunch of photos and a poor design. I was expecting to be able to read a summary of what it was rather than sift through a bunch of photos of people.

Comment Re:What advice can I offer? (Score 0, Flamebait) 96

Honestly, I felt it was an apt commentary on the state of education.

A teacher comes to /. to ask a question about tools and software used primarily by teachers. They wouldn't be asking the question if they knew the answer, but what is the expectation from our geeky little comments site? Why are we the expected demographic to have the answer? Why wouldn't you ask this type of thing on a teacher's forum?

I'm being slightly rhetorical here. I don't think you'd ask this on a teacher's forum because you'd get the same response from all the drone teachers touting whatever the "one" tool is that school districts blow money on which is obviously not what the submitter is looking for.

I guess the apt commentary comes down to the fact that the one person we should be able to trust our kids' learning to doesn't know the answer to a teaching domain specific question.

Comment Re:Use a wii remote control and Wiimote Whiteboard (Score 1) 96

Are the wii controllers still as clumsy as they were when they first came out? If they are, I can't imagine trying to actually use one to draw things on a wall from a distance.

Of course, I'm basing this on a recent experience with that Big Buck Hunter arcade game. It used to use the standard IR sensor at the muzzle like any shooting arcade game. Now it uses something that feels exactly like a wii controller and it's totally awkward and frustrating to play.

Comment Re:Paid advertisement (Score 1) 48

Actually, I know a lot of home brewers. Why are you assuming this and what does this have to do with my previous statement?

What you are saying amounts to, "because you believe that more draft beer supplies are sold to bars/taverns than home brewers, you must not know any home brewers." If my statement was reversed, would you assume I'd never been to a bar?

Comment Re:Paid advertisement (Score 3, Funny) 48

With iKeg's Technology We Guarantee You Will Never Run Out of Beer

The only time I run out of beer, I've likely already had enough. I don't see this as a problem inherent to beer.

you'll realize almost immediately that SteadyServ isn't making equipment for home use, but for bars and taverns that serve draft beer.

If you told me someone was selling draft beer supplies (or whatever this crap is), my first assumption would be that it was for bars and taverns, not for home use. Thanks for taking time to point out the obvious.

With the new iKeg® system, we aim to ensure that you get your beer, in the right place, at the right time.

This sounds like the way I already get my beer. I can't say I ever get a beer in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Can you also make the beer a liquid?

We also want to simplify the lives of all the hard-working people in the beer industry.

Not to trash on bartenders or anything, but grabbing a class, putting it under a tap, and pulling the lever for about 8-10 seconds already sounds quite simple. I actually can't think of too many jobs that pay as well as bartending that are much simpler. Yes, it's hectic on a Friday night, but you're still just pouring beer.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to help keep America from running out of draft beer?

I already addressed this, but it is clear that you're not getting it. There is plenty of draft beer available. If you live in a place where there are only three available choices on tap, I feel for you, but I can already go across the street and order a pint from a selection of about 15 local beers, along with the standard selection of decent beers available at any proper bar. I have yet to go to the bar and have them tell me, "Sorry, we don't have any beer today."

From the summary, I get the impression that the marketing drone that wrote this doesn't actually have an idea of what beer is.

Comment Re:Actually against Islam (Score 1) 981

I know very little about Muhammad and the like, so I don't fully understand the teachings; however, what I do know is that ISIS is intent to cut people's heads off for bringing shoes and beds to children.

I can't imagine that Muhammad would think it's okay to behead people for bringing shoes and beds to kids. If they are the kind of people that would deprive children of basic needs, is it any surprise they are also the kind of people that would deprive children of basic education?

I don't think they have any interest in adhering to teachings of Muhammad, and since their educational backgrounds are likely as limited as the children they intend to suppress, I can only assume that they don't realize how easy it is for the rest of the world to see through their thin veil of Islam.

Comment Re:from Notch (Score 2) 330

Being paid to do something you love isn't a bad thing.

Also, not necessarily a good thing, either. You need to be very careful doing what you love for a living. The stresses of work, life, etc can make it much less fun. This results in you doing something you don't love for a living. The difference now is that you no longer have something you love doing.

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