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Comment Yoda by written the subject line was (Score 1, Informative) 128

Also, from the email, it seems not to be "We won't support your Playbook because we're mean" but "We cant support it because of licensing issues."

Which makes the blog author look even more like a "I spend money at your store, how dare you not support X" over-reactionary.

Comment Re:For us non-US folk... (Score 1) 272

That's also the reason that Verizon can afford to have outrageous business practices. A lot of us have the "choice" of Verizon, or no service at home.

They know they are going to be undercut by other carriers in populous areas, so they overcharge the customers that they cannot lose.

Comment Re:Instead of Financial transactions? (Score 1) 694

The money would be taxed at least once in your scenario: When you take the money out of the bank/cash your paycheck.

Apparently, if everyone kept doing transactions the way they do, there would be more tax income than there is now. I don't think they accounted for the huge reduction that would follow though.

Comment Re:Opportunity for U.S. manufacturing to step up? (Score 2) 207

This may be more difficult than you'd imagine.

I doubt we currently have the infrastructure to manufacture the drives, or else some manufacturer would be doing just that and hugely advertising "Hey, we've still got drives!" Considering production of hard drives is only supposed to be down for a year or so, by the time the ones here were ready to go, so would the foreign ones. Domestic can't keep up with cost, and were back to where we started.

Comment Re:Android is just another feature to buy (Score 1) 770

You make it sound like Froyo is really out of date. Granted, Gingerbread should be available, but Honycomb is for tablets only, and Ice Cream Sandwich isn't out for anything at all yet. So you're really only one version behind.

My phone only got updated to Gingerbread in September, and when I bought it Gingerbread had already been out for a few months. It takes time for updates to get pushed out, mainly because of how every phone is different, so there is a lot of testing time involved. But it does happen sooner or later. I think the only reason that an update would never happen is planned obsolescence on the carriers part, not the device manufacturer.

Doctors Recommend Against TV For Kids Under 2 210

An anonymous reader writes "The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a recommendation to parents that kids under the age of two should be limited in their time watching television and using computers. They say there's 'no such thing' as educational programming for kids that young, and that they benefit much more from real human interaction (PDF). Psychologist Georgene Troseth said, 'We know that some learning can take place from media, but it's a lot lower, and it takes a lot longer.' The article continues: 'Unlike school-age children, infants and toddlers "just have no idea what's going on" no matter how well done a video is, Dr. Troseth said. The new report strongly warns parents against putting a TV in a very young child's room and advises them to be mindful of how much their own use of media is distracting from playtime. In some surveys between 40 and 60 percent of households report having a TV on for much of the day — which distracts both children and adults, research suggests.'"

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