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Comment Re:Physical keyboard? Really? (Score 1) 173

I sort of type with the edges of my fingernails. I use the edges of my thumbs where the thumbnail and skin meet to type on physical phone keyboards. BB physical keyboards are usually very very good... much faster and less annoying for me... I never really hit the wrong key on the physical keyboards. But apparently some people I know can't figure out how to type on them, or they just type so slowly anyway that they don't mind touchscreens.

For the last several weeks I've been using a BB Z10, so I've been forcing myself to use the touchscreen to type on it. I also have an iPhone ... got it about year or 2 back, but I never liked typing on it. Strangely typing on the Z10's touchscreen is slightly more accurate for me than the iPhone, but I still don't love typing on it as much as a physical keyboard. And I still very much miss having a ton of one touch dialing on the physical keyboard. I had 13 or so one touch dialing on my last BB, and love love love that feature. So it's quite tempting to get the Q10. Then again, 90% of the time I now dial through my car's interface so it doesn't matter as much. Hmm... keep the larger screen or get the better to type on keyboard?! The dilemma never ends. Meanwhile, I still use my iPhone regularly for a podcast that is iPhone friendly and is a must have.

Comment Brainyno, no brainy or ... (Score 1) 197

Sounds like they mean they aren't brainy. So are they stupid? Anyway, it reminded me how much I just dislike the sound of "new" words that end in "O". It sounds very not English-like. These words often sound to Latin/Italian to my ears. Can we not stick to more English-based variants of things please? Does Brainynot not get the job done just as well... letting you get the message across that you are a dumb business?

So anyway but yeah... I do like the sound of this product's potential! ;)

Comment No thanks in my company (Score 1) 292

It'll cost more in software over time, it'll cost more in lost productivity due to compatibility issues, it'll cost more in IT salaries for having to hire people just to constantly deal with ever changing versions of Office and trying to keep all the various offices at the same version. Sounds almost completely impossible to me. Would never work here.

Comment Re:Matter of Perspective (Score 1) 223

Liking, tolerating, or doing violence is certainly part of human genetics. But I get aggravated when people point to the "reptile brain" approach. It seems a cop out. The truth of the matter is that humans are animals, and all animals have dealt with violence between other animals for all the history of animal life for survival. Humans have to use their ability to care for others, use logic over feelings, etc. to override the need to be violent to survive.

Comment Only one Genus? (Score 1) 36

From the Article:
began to notice that adults in some ant genuses, such as Myrmica, which contains more than 200 diverse species found across Europe and Asia, made noise. ...
  thought it odd that mature pupae would have the capability to produce sound but remain silent. So he and his colleagues listened in to a group of Myrmica scabrinodis ants. These 4- to 5-millimeter-long, reddish-brown ants are commonly found in northern Europe

Comment Detect emotions in darker hued skins? (Score 1) 97

This seems rather short-sighted. As I understand it, the darker your skin is, the harder it is to see a blush or whatnot. A deaf relative has made it clear that he can't really tell when black people are embarrassed from the blush reaction, and as a naive kid my relative was generally confused and impressed as to how very dark skinned people detected embarrassment from other dark skinned people despite this apparently "missing" piece of information. Obviously there are other signs. Aren't these the signs that adults with color blindness use with light or dark skinned social interactions already? Do we need this crazy technology to really detect emotions? I will admit though that when someone gets really red faced from anger, it has a certain affect.

Comment Re:Shots build character (Score 1) 83

If dentist shots are the same as normal shots, I can attest that if the shot giver tries to push too hard and give the shot too fast, it hurts like HELL. Until I changed from my old dentist to my new one, I just figured shots in the gum were the MOST intense pain I'd ever feel... even if short-lived (30 seconds felt like an hour, but you know). Turns out, next dentist asked if it hurt, I said yes, he slowed down... holy crap no pain?!?!?!?! At least now I can take a hot poker to the eye and barely flinch. Hell with my old dentist, I started taking fillings with no shot because it was less painful.

Comment Re:WTF is the point of BB Balance? (Score 1) 267

Yep, I was about to post the same. As long as you have Exchange 2007 or above it would seem.

But with the BB 10, somehow it sounds like they can protect the personal data, too, even from IT personnel like myself and my colleagues. This I am happy about... I don't want to delete someone's only copy of their family photos right after they got canned. I mean seriously that is just wrong. Luckily my company is not that evil, so I have never had to do such. Yet. The BB 10 protects you, if you buy it at least.

Comment Re:Not available in USA until Mid-March (Score 1) 267

I think one of the videos linked at the bottom of the article said Feb 1st, 5th, and 10th depending on where you where. And read the posts on this forum... supposedly ex-RIM employees are saying Feb 1 or 5th. But that may only be for a Canadian carrier and T-Mobile(?!).

Comment Re:Observations on BB10... (Score 4, Interesting) 267

It looks like the BB 10 specs are the same or better than the iPhone 5 at least. It only comes with 16GB storage, but upgradable with a card. Faster processors on BB 10 and a few more pixels on the screen (if you get the big one) and better resolution.

BB Z10 (big touch screen version):
Display: 4.2-inch (diagonal) with a resolution of 1280 by 768 pixels (356 pixels per inch)

iPhone 5:
Display: 4-inch (diagonal) with a resolution of 1136 by 640 pixels (326 pixels per inch).

Weird, I don't see the processor specs on that page, but I checked them at another site a week or two ago.

More on these pages:,3312-3.html

Says that iPhone 5 is dual core 1.29 GHz, while the BB 10 is dual core 1.5 GHz.

My biggest thing is the CAMERA! Not the specs so much, but the software. You take one picture, it gives you a couple of seconds to scroll through and pick the best picture during that time... so no more blinks and yawns in my damn pictures. THANK YOU!


Submission + - Slashdot Snubs Blackberry 10 Live Stream on big Release Day (

omfglearntoplay writes: With all the main news channels making a big deal about the Blackberry 10 launch deal today, Slashdot appears to not mention it anywhere on the homepage. Is this an Android partnership issue or something I'm not aware of? There is probably little time left to see the live bit of the show. Tune in now or watch it not-real time later.

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