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Comment Stop Picking On Samsung! (Score 4, Funny) 102

How dare anyone out there sue Samsung, after all she's been through! She loves her Galaxy! She went through a lawsuit! She had many business partnerships, her customers turned out to be (sob) litigious and now she's going through an appeal.All you companies care about is patents and making money off of her! SHE'S A CORPORATION! What you don't realize is Samsung is making all this money and all you do is file a bunch of crap against her.

Comment Re:does it surprise you? (Score 2) 541

Debtor's prisons were real and need no quote marks. As late as the 19th century, if you owed debts you could not pay, you could be literally imprisoned in a workhouse where your tiny wages went to pay off the debt, often far insufficient to make headway paying it off. The poster is not insensitive, but rather has a better history education than you.
The dilemma is that in order to pay off your student loans you need decent work, but in order to get decent work you need to pay off your student loans.

Comment Re:woah (Score 5, Informative) 197

That carries no legal weight. The fact of a copyright is something determined by law, not by "agreement". You are not bound to obey copyright on the force of having "agreed" something is under copyright, you are bound by whether a work actually fulfills the requirements set forth by whatever applicable copyright law is in effect.

Comment Re:Fault (Score 2) 155

It isn't. What is their fault is choosing to deliberately sabotage their identity validation procedures with the express purpose of keeping call volume (and hence government reimbursement) high, while knowing that the increased traffic would be largely overseas scammers, which they represented themselves as properly blocking according the deal they made with the government that allows them to operate the service in the first place.

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