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Comment Re:It's the same for Blizzard. (Score 1) 386

The point that you have to be *online* to be able to go *offline* is already absurd enough, don't you think? Especially when talking about single player games (or single player mode in otherwise multiplayer capable games). Generally you play those games "offline" when you can not go online to start with (because your connection died for example) ... thus making the whole shitty procedure just a complete nuisance.

Comment Re:It's the same for Blizzard. (Score 2, Insightful) 386

Steam might play in offline mode. More often than not this is not the case. Believe me, I used to have a very bad internet connection and the times I was not able to play anything from my Steam account when the connection was down and Schteam was telling me to log in far outweighted the times when it happily remembered that I had played just one day before.
Steam is not nearly as evil as EA, but it still has an intrusive and often obnoxious DRM (Along with an atrocious EULA).

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 436

Considering many of the "bigger" tricks only works because 1) the audience is relatively far away from the stage and 2) have a very limited viewing angle, your comment isn't THAT false.

Comment Re:Yes but... (Score 1) 57

yes. I t runs emacs nicely, although the startup time can be a tad bit long (20-30sec in my case), depending on your .emacs . Once it's loaded it is completely useable and fast.

One of my two rpis (both are ~old~ ones with only 256MB RAM) is running apache, mysql, dovecot, postfix and bitlbee. It also has weechat (connected to bitlbee and 4 channels on #freenode) and mutt running 24/7. Additionally roundcubemail is installed. Again, depending on the amount of mails to sort and show, RCmail can be a bit slow. This is the rpi I use emacs the most on, mostly to edit config files, write mails and code a bit on side projects when bored at work.

The trick is to change the memory allocation depending on your useage. In the case of this mail server I set the mem to 240/16 as it is headless.(16MB for the GPU is apparently the absolute minimum you can allocate).

Comment Re:eBook Reader vs Tablet (Score 1) 415

Having myself both a tablet ( HP Touchpad) and an eBook Reader (Sony PRS1), there is absolutely no contest when it comes to textbooks. No matter how high the screen resolution of your tablet is, it can't beat e-ink for pure comfort. Additionally, ebook readers are generally a lot lighter and smaller than tablets. Techbooks are another matter. I have plenty of oreilly books on the reader (epub format), and whilst not bad from an handling and speed point of view, the small B/W screen is really a problem. Anyway, all this to say that Parent is clueless ...

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