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Comment Re:Until I can buy one (Score 1) 230

Read more carefully. I take exception with your "done better," not with his "me too!"

And by the way, we have seen the iPad in action (not some wet dream, blue sky, imagineering concept animation.)
For God's sake, wake up! The first iPads are already being manufactured! Next month you can buy one.
I guarantee you that we will not see a Courier by Christmas, indeed, if ever.
The so called "Reality Distortion Field" is nothing compared to the endless Microsoft vaporware parade and the persistent but feeble stream of Zune-like "Me Too (little and late!)" Microsoft products.
As I said, I'll believe it when I see it.

Comment Re:Until I can buy one (Score 0) 230

"It may be "me too", but it's "me too" done better than Apple did."

"Done better"!? LOLz Your comparing a concept to a shipping product
I'll believe that when its actually "done."
Look at it! Its an idea, not a prototype. Its so much "air design" (as in "air guitar.") The emperor has no clothers!
As the OP said, its **vaporware.**

Comment A Few Points (Score 2, Insightful) 434

Just a few points:
RE: touch screens -- Fingerorks (owned by apple) just because you've seen it elsewhere doesn't mean Apple has no claim.

RE: NOKIA patents
Terms must be "fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory." If they have pooled the patent, they need to offer the same terms to Apple as everyone else.

"Stolen BSD kernel"?
Get off drugs, scratchpaper!

Comment Re:This is Dan Lying Lyons (Score 1) 336

Apparently only two other folks noticed the fact that this is Dan Lyons.
Have to admit I don't know much about the SCO thing (except for what I've read about it in the aftermath) but I have noticed from his "tech articles" that he's a moron. I guess the fact that so few people have noticed this should not surprise me. After all, Newsweek hired him as a "technology editor" despite his overpowering stench.
Go figure.

Comment Re:Obsession (Score 1) 485

(You kids under 35 can skip this since you've never even heard of a pager!)
What is the difference between someone paging you and and the same person calling your iPhone but not leaving a message?
Your pager beeps and displays a phone number.
Your iPhone alerts you and displays a phone number.

Respected Developers Begin Fleeing the App Store 485

wiedzmin writes "Facebook's Joe Hewitt, Second Gear's Justin Williams, the long-time Mac software developer known as 'Rogue Amoeba' and other respected App Store developers have recently decided to discontinue their work on the platform, citing their frustration with Apple's opaque approval process. Continued issues with erroneous and snap rejections of applications and APIs are prompting more and more developers to shun the platform entirely. Though there are tens of thousands of other developers who have pumped out over 100,000 apps for the platform, continued migration away from iPhone development will most likely result in lower quality software."

Comment Re:Atom (Score 1) 275

That's funny!
I (stupidly) never considered that you might speak English as a second language (I totally understood your post.) I assumed from your sig that you enjoyed being a little sloppy to give "grammar nazis" some fun. I was just kidding you about it. No offense meant.
Keep up with posting. I promise I won't even joke about it again! ;-)

Comment Re:Atom (Score 1) 275

"Not really true when you is the maker from the system, and need to maintain the total cost low enougth to get a reasonable profit margin. And a netbook may do not have space to put lots of RAM, hardisk and stay low on power usage too.
Grammar Nazis loves me :)"

I's takes exception of yours word selection, usage, syntax and grammar! Where does you learn to rights?

BTW, I like your sig.

Comment Re:Apple has agreed to allow anyone to design an L (Score 1) 306

Surly the fact that Apple has created an open format and it is actually going to be open is no surprise to anyone of moderate intelligence?
This whole "Apple is a Meanie to Indie musicians" story was a tempest in a teapot from the start, as are about 95% of the negative stories about Apple (and probably the positive ones too) that appear on Slashdot and other tech sites.
Apple re DRM
Apple re open source
Apple re multi-touch on iPhone
Apple re web apps on iPhone
Apple re apps on iPhone
Macs are totally insecure
Macs are totally secure
Apple the horrible censor
Steve Jobs is dead
Steve Jobs is leaving
Steve Jobs walks on water
etc. etc.

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