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Comment Re:No silly (Score 1) 308

Because it's a "notgame", or as I believe, more of a interactive demonstration.

For example, in this "notgame" he can either tell you how lonely people feel, or you can let you experience it yourself. Single box represents you, the other clumps of boxes represent people doing their own thing and enjoying, only to disperse whenever you approach them...

I think this allows for a deeper experience.

There are others, with similar deeper themes, like Freedom Bridge (you cross multiple barbed wires, all cut and bleeding, but you persevere, you reach a bridge and BAM! you are shot...let's you feel how a escapee of repressive regimes feel...) or The Killer (you take a person through a long through a picturesque scenery, only to shoot him at the end...)

These allow you feel the immerse in the situation and feel the conflicts on a slightly deeper level. These could be described, or presented in video form, but in these "notgames" you actually participate in the activity, and realise the consequences of an action first hand.

YMMV, but I like this games as a way to present a view point. You don't have to play them if you don't like, but if you want some one to *actually* understand the conflict, these "notgames" can be an interesting tool.

Comment Re:Hey (Score 2) 82

Speaking as an Anosmiac, the world *stills* fucking stinks... only I can't use my nose to avoid the stink...

Count your blessings bro/sis because you have never experienced the other eating habits are a total mess because what seems perfectly normal and delectable to others feels absolutely disgusting to eat for me... I never know when I am danger of gas leaks, and I have sat still with the gas leaking, only for a relative to come in and start a panic. My dreams of chemistry education dashed because I could never smell those darn chemicals (Once my beaker of H2S leaked, and here I was standing wondering what the hell is going on, while every one runs away from the lab....)I have been tricked into disgusting things, and once have been pranked by having been sprayed on by a stink-spray, and not realising I was walking around the school being as aromatically pleasing as Pepe le Peu...

Life sucks, so grin and bear it.


Submission + - and 284 Other .PK Domains Hacked ( 1

ryzvonusef writes: Start page for majority of Pakistanis – when they first visited it this morning – was found hacked and defaced. Yes, Google.Com.PK along with 284 other .PK domains were hacked today (and are still defaced).

According to Irfan Ahmed, an expert on Pakistani websites and web-servers, this defacement is due to change in DNS entries for 284 .PK domains that are managed by MarkMoniter.

Defaced domains include Microsoft.PK, apple.PK, paypal.PK, ebay.PK, blogspot.PK, chrome.PK, Cisco.PK and others.

Apparently no one has claimed the responsibility for the incident, but a message appearing on defaced pages, including on is displaying a message in Turkish language, hinting that the hacker could be Turkish in origin.

Hacker hasn’t left any message for anyone, unlike the norm that hackers follow to convey their message through such defacements.

However, there is a phrase saying “Downed Pakistan”, a sign of victory for hackers when the deface a website.

Comment Re:Doesn't seem a real solution (Score 3, Interesting) 119

The PTA (Pakistan Telecommunications Authority) has been on a MASSIVE crackdown to block unregistered SIMs...but with a zillion unregistered sims floating around (it was so bad that *hawkers* used to sell sims with attractive numbers on stands everywhere...) that nothing short of a blanket ban is effective.

Comment Re:why not block the area off and force any one (Score 1) 119

They do this, things are cordoned off, barb wires, military snipers, the works, etc.

But you underestimate terrorists. My neighbour could be a terrorist and I would never know until I went BOOM.

Police have discovered cellphone-bombs in dustbins, and even bins used to house torn piece with Islamic words on them (they are then disposed of separately)...terrorists are like honeybadgers, they don't give a shit.

Hence the blanket downage.

Comment Re:Avoidance vs Evasion (Score 1) 331

Thanks for the kind explanation, you highlight the difference between studies and experience :)

My text clearly outlined the the various tax scheme categories -evasion,avoidance,reduction. Only Approved HMRC reduction schemes could be followed, and that evasion and avoidance were not allowed. Evasion was described as outright illegal acts, whilst avoidance was described as utilising loopholes(the double Irish and Dutch sandwich, plus tax havens etc were given as an example of various tax avoidance tactics)

Btw, I posted a reply to my comment, where I posted a wiki [1] link, where it says the UK govt and HMRC are starting to retrospectively attack tax avoidance schemes, so I guess the text was pre-emptively deciding the whole thing is bad? Then again, the whole course is about ethical moral fibre or whatever, so I guess they ward us off the bad streets of tax avoidance :D

Also, the whole ACCA course is full of American rule-based vs British principles-based approaches, and love to compare them, so I don't discount them dragging American troubles in British tax texts :D


Comment Meanwhile inOpera... (Score 3, Informative) 178

Right-click the search entry field, select "Create search", enter keyword in the pop-up, Done.

(check the checkboxes in the pop-up if you want to make default (else it just add it into your list))

To search a word, just select it and right click, it offers to search both the default or select from your entire list.

Yet another reason why Opera is awesome :D

Comment Re:Avoidance vs Evasion (Score 1) 331

Sorry, That was a horrible typo, I meant if a tax *avoidance* scheme is technically legal...

I have studied Tax law in ACCA (paper F6), and there *is* a distinction; tax avoidance are pseudo-legal scheme, which are apparently legal, but HMRC *can* nab them if they can make a case, and apparently do so. Tax reduction are obviously legal schemes. My text pointed out the "Double Irish" as an example of a tax avoidance scheme, that while using legal "loopholes", is forbidden and can be penalised if caught.

I did questions on this shit, so at least theoretically possible, but if it is different in practice, then that's a separate story.

Comment Re:Avoidance vs Evasion (Score 2) 331

According to UK tax law, there is tax evasion(outright breaking the law), tax avoidance(using legal loopholes) and tax reduction(using approved tax reduction schemes). Only Tax reduction is allowed.

So even if Tax evasion is *technically* legal, HMRC (UK version of IRS) can and *will* nab you for contorting in thirty zillion angles just to avoid getting taxed.

Comment Not just women... (Score 2) 591

ALL dependants are covered: women, Children (both boys and girls) *and* all workers whose work visa you have given.

If they are on your ID card (women and children don't get separate ID cards) or their Passport (as their "kafeel" caretaker, or visa giver, as it were), you need the Saudi man's permission to leave, and they will now be informed of it.

I think this system was made for the "worker" part of the category in mind; they want to know where their slaves^H^H^H^H^H^H are going, and if they are escaping. Poor labourers are practically indentured slaves, kept in live via the sword of heavy debt; I have know people try to escape by leaving everything behind with just the clothes on their backs. This is to prevent that.

Make of it as you will.

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