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Comment Geothermal (Score 1) 436

Most people probably think of this as using the heat of the Earth to produce power. The most effective use that I see right now, that works everywhere, is geothermal heating/cooling. If countries moved all buildings and houses to this model you'd reduce the use of natural gas and heating oil so dramatically .... quick ref

Comment Re:Hype and Results (Score 2, Insightful) 596

You make it sound like trying and failing is a bad thing! Trying and failing is great, as long as your successes outweigh your failures!!! Well also the failures give you clarity about how to do it better :-)

1. The Newton. 1993 16-17 years ago - iPhone and iPod Touch got this right

2. Apple Pippin. 1995 14-15 years ago - Never sold by Apple, but some would say iPhone and iPods are taking bite of this market

3. Power Mac G4 Cube. 1999 10-11 years ago - Mac mini got this right

4. Apple QuickTake. 1992 17-18 years ago - iPhone and iPods will continue to bite into this market

5. Macintosh TV. 1993 16-17 years ago - Apple continues to experiment

6. Apple's "Hockey Puck" USB Mouse. 1998 11-12 years ago - Apple continues to experiment

7. eMate. 1997 12-13 years ago - iPhone and iPod Touch got this right

I remember the 90s they were a fun decade, along time ago.

Having said that, I have serious doubts about the iSlate/iBook or whatever they want to call it, expectations are way, way, way to high and although I think this market is the future of laptops I'm just not sure Apple will get it right enough :-)

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