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Comment What about real work? (Score 0) 636

While web browsing and all that jazz might be relegated to phones and whatnot, even simple things like word processing (things "real people" do) become frustrating without a decent amount of screen real estate and stable input methods. While something like Surface answers (barely) this, it's really "just" a laptop with a flexible keyboard and a touchscreen. Even the most technologically inept person realises that a keyboard is pretty useful for fast typing. I use "the cloud" all the time for personal things, but there have been a few times ( my wifi decides to stop working or my ISP decides to stop working or Dropbox decides to stop working) where I've welcomed my local fallback. Imagining that we're going towards a no-storage future ignores the problems our current infrastructure has.

Comment Re:AZ isn't anti-immigrant (Score -1) 835

Why do people just think that anything that doesn't "seem right" is unconstitutional? Not only is the public debt of the US legal, but it is explicitly defined in the constitution(14th amendment), for example.

That being said, you could argue that "looking hispanic" might be too little to be probable cause , thus violating 4th amendment rights, but that depends on the judge.

This could just violate other laws(that aren't necessarily in the constitution) against racial profiling however.

Comment Re:WHy are you majoring in CS... (Score -1) 606

A lot of people might not have access to high school CS classes. And do you expect business majors to have started their own business before their first years? While you find a lot of obsessional people in CS majors, who have been writing code for 10 years, it is not a necessary quality(nor is it sufficient) to have potential in the major.

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