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Comment Re:This will save money for how long? (Score 1) 217

Or the cable/internet provider will come out with their own streaming service. Such as Comcast Streampix announced a couple days ago, for only $5 per month.

Of course it's not available if you just have the internet add $15-20 to that...

Though if you're like me, you figured out that it's cheaper to have both TV and internet than just internet if you need useable speeds. Because their base internet plan with no TV is something stupid like 5Mbps(on a good day). To upgrade the 5Mbps plan to 20Mbps costs MORE than just switching to the TV/Internet plan, which comes with the 20Mbps plan.

They'll get their money one way or another.

Comment Re:Better solution (Score 1) 134

Or an even better solution, check the name of the drug prescribed to you with the label on the container before taking it! My doctor has ALWAYS said, "I'm prescribing this for you, take X amount per day." I check the note he gives me and I check the bottle when I pick it up. I even check to make sure the pills inside match the description given in the documentation. If people are involved, mistakes WILL be made. The pharmacist reading it off the computer can misread it, accidentally grab the wrong bottle, put the wrong dose on the label, etc... Even the doctor could accidentally type/click something wrong! No solution will be 100% error free.

Not that I don't fully support a technological solution, but personal responsibility has to come into play when you're doing something that affects your health.

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There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
