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Submission + - Bill Maher Admits that He Does Not Understand Econ (

Advocate123 writes: In the most recent episode of Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, Bill Maher said something amazing: He does not understand economics and never did. He never understood it in college, and did not do well in that class either. Ladies and gentlemen, this explains everything.
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - As Democrats Push Socialized Medicine, WalMart Sup (

Advocate123 writes: As it has always happened throughout history, private businesses will always try to bring products to consumers faster, cheaper and with a higher quality. Yet, the Democrats keep attempting to destroy this proven system with bureaucracy. They even attack companies like WalMart for providing consumers with what they want.

Submission + - Continues With Its Assault On General P (

Advocate123 writes: has continued to bring the Democratic Party lower and lower into the abyss. While many Americans disagree with the War in Iraq, none of them want to see an organization that donates more to politicians than the NRA call a General a traitor.

Submission + - HBO: Real Time with Bill Maher, Review of the New (

Advocate123 writes: Bill Maher sounded surprisingly kind to the Republican platform today on Real Time. He staunchly supported Israel and said he really did not care about wiretapping. He said he has no expectation of privacy anywhere he goes. He called Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a terrorist, and a sponsor of terror. Then Bill Attacked Sally Fields

Submission + - Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Invited to Speak at Col (

Advocate123 writes: Notably, the military is not allowed on several campuses because of its stance on homosexuality (Don't ask don't tell). Maybe someone should tell the brain-dead liberals, however, that Ahmadinejad is a member of a Country that beheads or executes homosexuals, and just stoned a woman to death this week. Oh, how liberals love their dictators.
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Who Really Owns (

Advocate123 writes: Have you ever wondered who owns Big Oil? When you think of "Big Oil," who owns the stock? What percentage is owned by the corporate executives? 80%? 60%? 50%?

Submission + - Australian Liberals Pay $25,000 to Greet Al Gore: (

Advocate123 writes: Can someone please explain to me the fascination with Al Gore? The man has no credentials in the scientific field, he almost failed all of his classes while in school, and the majority of the statements he has made about Global Warming/ Climate Change has been refuted by reputable scientists.

Submission + - Liberals Push to Ban Fast Food in South Las Angele (

Advocate123 writes: We predicted this happening better than Nostradamus ever could. As we have said hundreds of times over the last few months, big government liberals would attempt to ban fast food. Well, it appears that will happen in California.

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