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Comment Re:The Constitutional Right to Competitive Advanta (Score 1) 623

Fundamentally, the problem in that case is that the state's sales tax is too high, and thus puts the brick and mortar business at a competitive disadvantage. But for some reason it always seems to get portrayed as Amazon having some sort of unfair advantage. If the state is unhappy that its businesses are at a disadvantage due to high sales tax, the direct solution within their power is to simply lower their sales tax.

That isn't the problem, or at least certainly not the whole problem.

They want the money and they have no ability to effectively collect it from the person whom the courts regard as obliged to pay it: the customer.

Comment Re:GST (Score 1) 623

The way the US does everything at the state level, with so many states, and every state doing its own thing, just truly results in anarchy...

Nothing about the way the several governments of the United States of America levy and collect taxes is anything at all like anarchy.

Calling the varieties of tax policies in the states of a federal republic "anarchy" is like calling the ascension of an absolute monarch based on his divine bloodline "democracy".

Comment Re:So everyone else pays a tax... (Score 1) 2288

...also two Detroit senators make sure no one else can import cars to the US without crossing a high ass bar. Its cheaper to buy a senator than to build a better business model.

I dislike politicians as much as anybody, but seriously?

You know you can go into any hardware store and get metric automotive tools, right? They're not even any more expensive.

Comment Re:Safe Slumber (Score 1) 400

I can't wait til this becomes a nationwide practice so that all civilians can feel safe knowing that the terrorists and criminals are being actively monitored and will never ever harm us again.

We can only hope this is as successful as the drug war. All of the violence may have been tragic, but it was worth it to live in a world where no one ever smokes weed.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 0) 947

Like it or not, a lot of people have very real issues with evolution (I am not one of them), and those issues can extend to causing problems for those willing to teach their kids.

... a teacher shouldnt have to put up with hate mail or threats or harrassment any more than the rest of us. By forcing them to teach it, you are forcing them to open themselves up to attack.

I agree, they shouldn't have to put up with that. Maybe you should stop doing it.

Comment Re:I have a much more ambitious vision (Score 1) 1073

I want to live in a world where *everything* that makes me uncomfortable or might cause pain or conflict is excised from history. ... No more racial resentment, no more ethnic conflicts, no more religious wars. We get along, we always got along, end of story.

We have always been at peace with East Asia.

Comment Re:Great Job, Republican Judge (Score 1) 1505

The debate we're currently having is about the meaning of words "right" and "privilege", not whether people deserve any particular rights or privileges. In that context, constructing a grammatically incorrect use of the words in question does not actually address my point.

However, I will attempt to address the argument I think you're trying to make.

Rights are inherently inalienable. Privileges are subject to the whims of those that grant them.

If rights can be given and taken away, what separates rights from privileges? Practical example: Is it just and proper that a person in the US or Western Europe can criticize his government and a person in China may not?

Comment Re:Great Job, Republican Judge (Score 1) 1505

My government does a lot of things that I don't agree with. That concept of rights is dangerously flawed, as I've mentioned elsewhere in this thread.

If social services become human rights when a society is prosperous enough to provide them, do they then cease to be human rights when that society goes into decline?

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