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Comment Re:Type 2? (Score 2) 148

Yes it is , type 1 only.
For you I'd recommend picking up body-building , it would solve your problem.
Check out the diets and exercises on , they're meant to promote insulin sensitivity , exactly what you are missing.
I am not a doctor but still , I'm confident it would help you.

Comment Re:Electronic currency (Score 1) 565

Oh you want facts ?
The reality is most precious metals have valuable applications , they're not just "amounts of work"

"The most conductive of all metals are silver, copper and gold in that order. Silver is also the most thermally conductive element, and the most light reflecting element. Silver also has the unusual property that the tarnish that forms on silver is still highly electrically conductive."
Platinum too

Today's current financial crisis is cause just by no longer enforcing the gold standard.

Hosting Giants Teaming Against Small Businesses 163

BlueToast writes "Hosting giants SoftLayer, ThePlanet, Hosting Services Inc., and UK2 Group are teaming up to wipe out small competitors like SimpleCDN. Though ThePlanet isn't directly involved in the slicing of SimpleCDN's throat, ThePlanet runs the sales chat scripts for SoftLayer (check your NoScript). As a loyal customer of SimpleCDN, I really do not appreciate the disruption of service to a company I have been with for over a year. SimpleCDN's president wrote, 'Absolutely no valid reason or warning was or has been given for this termination, and our best guess currently is that these organizations could not provide the services that we contracted and paid for, so instead they decided that terminating services would be the best solution for them.'"

Comment Re:Nice, now why (Score 2, Interesting) 314

>> Because in most other advanced countries

And a few not so advanced countries. Actually , "not so advanced" would be taking it lightly.
Romania is still under recession , has some of the worst possible education and healthcare systems and the entire economical sphere is built on derailed socialist values (ie: prices increase on holiday instead of decreasing due to more sales , natural gas and petrol have some of the highest prices in the EU , basically everybody thinks ripping everybody off will actually benefit them)
Yet still we have one of THE BEST wan networks around , almost all cities are covered with FTTB , 100mbps for everybody @ 20$/month.
What's your excuse now USA ?

Comment Collision course or not. (Score 1) 222

It has to be cheap , power efficient , dense (performance per rack unit ) and most of all _stable_ if they want to use it for servers.
If they can manage those details it would be an instant hit , x86 servers are mighty expensive for small businesses , at least around where i live.
Either way some competition would be welcome and is sure to drive costs down.
The other essential problem is getting motherboards to meet the same criteria.

Comment Re:Wont somebody please think of the children! (Score 2, Informative) 446

Euros and dollars don't have stupid orders of magnitude , you have either one euro/dollar or cents (in both cases 1/100)
Latin and Cyrillic , just different symbols , same as the euro/dollar thing , just different names , you don't add letters either.
German vs Norwegian , language , well ok this one might be _slightly_ comparable to the issue at hand , one has to be a little more rantional than the other.
Zed and Zee , again , just an aesthetic issue.

Inches vs centimeters 1 m = 100 cm , 1 Foot = 12 inches. Now quickly tell me how many inches does it take to span 892360213452 feet cause i can just add two zeros at the end to do the conversion in metric.
If one foot was some arbitrary scale of a meter and it would be equal to 10 inches i would have no problem with it and would've cheerfully agreed with your analogies , but it is not.

Comment +1 (Score 1) 117

I've switched to Wilkinson double sword , classic double edge blades , sharper than anything else and a lot cheaper too.
The fact that they're cheaper also helps with comfort because you feel more inclined to change them before they ware out.
Haven't had a problem yet but i am considering switching to a straight razor as soon as i can buy myself a Dovo. Sure enough you need to be careful but the increase in comfort and quality of the shave are at least the same as the switch from crap razors to Wilkinson. More so you don't need to rinse the blade every centimeter if you left your stubble grow a little too much.
Either way I'm keeping the Wilkinson for when I'm too tiered to be safe using a straight razor.

Comment Re:Anecdotal Evidence (Score 1) 174

Of course she ain't dumb silly , she's just a girl.
All the differences you've stated , i have noticed between myself and almost all of my female friends. Most guys i know will handle navigation, new problems , etc rather well where most gals will not. I don't know why that is , but it seems girls really aren't built the same , mentally speaking. They have different sets of skills , likes and interests.This can get quite irritating , my ex was quite lousy at getting places on time , or finding her way when she got lost , but some of the things she was good at would put anyone to shame. My current girlfriend however seems quite a lot less afraid to explore and she does way better at getting around a foreign town because of that. Now the point is , my current gf. doesn't play any games at all , the ex however did.
Now I'm not dismissing the merits to video games , but when accounting for such skills it's a good idea to consider different sexes separately.

Comment Sense , it makes none. (Score 1) 661

Stop and think about what you just wrote.
If the terrorists had money for a jet , they'd have money for a missile or two and they certainly wouldn't give a shit about commercial airports and what kind of plastic fork you can use on board.Furthermore if they _own_ the jet , i don't think they'd go through the hassle of hijacking it.

Now on the other hand , say some drugged out party boy gets hijacked by his latest friend who just happens to be a terrorist that decides to do another kamikaze dive , we have _military_ supersonic jets on alert at all times. And by we i mean this pathetic third world country in Eastern Europe , i think the US has a bit more of those on hand.
And what do these nice jets do ? They appear out of nowhere in literally 5 minutes of your transgression and warn you to stay on your designated course (which almost never goes above cities or other such settlements) or exit the airspace (if you just happened to stray over the border). Failure to do so will result in the aircraft getting shot down over uninhabited land before any innocent bystanders get hit. And you're paying for the service already , why get assraped at the airport as well then ?

This kind of thing almost never happens because it makes no sense to hijack a plane you can't do damage with. At worse you can ask for a really quick ransom in exchange for not killing yourself (good luck on that one, if anybody cares nobody will sing cash your way as fast as you'd burn fuel).

In other words , cut the crap, there ain't not terrerists on private planes.

Comment Re:how did this get modded up? (Score 1) 797

The only reason i went for this one is because it had a remote, not much of a deal.

It does smell like burnt dust ,i expected the smell to go away after days of use , however it never did. The thing is the top part is completely clean. I'll get to it as soon as the real cold starts setting in.
At the moment my P IV prescott is doing a good enough job at keeping me warm :).

The pot of water thing is really useful , especially since the air tends to be a lot dryer during winter months. Hope nobody tries to do that with an open electrical radiator though :).

All of this would be irrelevant if i didn't have to fill in so many damn papers to install personal gas heating. I'm required to get approval from _all_ of my neighbors and install my own personal gas pipe as the shared one wasn't built with that kind of usage in mind.

Anyway , been a pleasure discussing the subject. Cheers David!

Comment Re:how did this get modded up? (Score 1) 797

I got one of them convection based ones , it looks like a cylinder , takes in air through the bottom and I'm quite disappointed in it's performance.
Here in Romania we still have huge flat buildings and due to the way the heating system is built it breaks down , and they don't turn it on unless it's this cold for this many days.
Anyway that means I'm freezing my ass off for a few weeks each winter.Sometimes you'll see me filling the tub with hot water just so i can get a bit of radiating heat going on , and using the gas stove at full blast even with the electric heater i mentioned.
Now a friend of mine who lives in a student dorm has one of them tiny fan based heaters. With that one the room is nice and cozy in a few minutes.
What I'm trying to say is even if you do heat the entire room , it's going to me much more efficient to heat up the bottom of the room , rather than the entire volume (unless you're spiderman by any chance :) )

Having said all that i think I'm going to get one of those oil filled heaters you speak of , my current one seems to smell funny when turned on.
It's still rather safe , there's no visible glowing parts , no touchable hot parts and it has a sensor to turn off it it gets tipped over , but the smell kills it , you can't open the window because it gets cold again either :) .

>> One time this happened I was able to explain that didn't exist, heaters turn electricity into heat at 100% efficiency, and at least one other time I was never able to get that concept across.

Do tell , do tell , I've met of few of those and quickly ended the conversation as it got frustrating :)

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