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Comment Re:Depends on how old you are (Score 1) 231

WRT smartphones, that was Steve Jobs, and Steve Jobs only.

Um, Steve Jobs did not invent the smart phone. The iPhone was better integrated than any of the earlier "smart" phones, and worked more smoothly, but it was NOT the first. Someone else made all sorts of mistakes, first, and Apple learned from them what not to do and what had to be done much better.

Comment Re:Gender Inequality (Score 2) 330

When I was in school, the field was 1/4 female or more. Since then, women have decided that CS/IT is a male preserve more than being chased out. No idea why, but it is probably related to more people going in from high school or college than earlier, where some working stiffs just had to pick it up and then got really interested. Once, supposedly, secretaries could just pick it up. Now, you have to decide before college, spend years at it, all with people like us. Might explain it (or just a great excuse).

Comment Re:oxen and draft horses out of work [Re:not a pro (Score 1) 90

I don't know about that figure. There are a lot of Amish or Mennonite farmers using draft horses, and there are as many horses, today in the USA, as there were in 1900. A lot of non-Anabaptist farmers with draft horses for sport, as well, at least in PA.

Oxen are SOL, though. The only oxen used, other than in historical parks, are steers being fattened for the table. Tasty for us, at least.

Of course, 5% or more of the US populace is still employed in agriculture, so tractors didn't end 99% of the jobs.

Comment Re:Congress made that law (Score 1) 170

Most Citgo stations are privately owned, by Americans or legal American residents. Venezuela sold the vast majority years ago, probably in anticipating something like this order or its predecessors. Where they get their gas, now, I do not know, but it shouldn't be hard to find some from US refineries.

Any still owned by Venezuela would have been shut down during President Obama's term, by his executive orders.

Sorry, nothing to see here.

Comment Re:Ed is the standard text editor. (Score 1) 195

You joke, but I used to work with a woman that learned Unix when ed was state of the art. She complained that ex (let alone vi, vim, emacs, etc.) just didn't come off her fingers like ed.

She also had her own source license, and for a mere $50,000 (1990 dollars) could have updated it to the modern distribution, so that gave her seeming craziness a bit more cred than the emacs bigots who couldn't even mark a section except by deleting and restoring it.

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