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Submission + - Judge Declares Federal Healthcare Unconstitutional (bryanhealey.com)

healeyb writes: In a surprise move, U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson issued a ruling today that the universal healthcare law that was pushed through by the Obama administration is unconstitutional. Specifically, he invalidated the section of the law that requires all citizens to purchase healthcare insurance, arguing that it does not fall under the purview of Commerce Clause of the constitution, as has been asserted by the government. — The ruling represents the first major setback for President Barack Obama on an issue that will likely end up at the Supreme Court. Two other courts have shot down challenges to the law...
The Internet

Submission + - Thousands of Comcast customers lose service.

An anonymous reader writes: Comcast on Dec 5th around 7:30pm appears to have a dns server outage affecting a number of customers in a number of states, including but not limited to, MN, MO, MI, and IL No Est. Time of Repair had been determined as of around midnight.
This appears to be similar to the recent outage on the east coast.

Comment Re:Artificial Brains? (Score 1) 320

would you freak out if you found out it involved a machine eating your brain neuron by neuron and shitting out a fresh cells with identical properties?

I hope the doctor can ease my awakening into the future by saying that with more eloquence than "machines are eating your brain and shitting in your skull!"


Submission + - Side channel attack on AES and Linux scheduler

ColoradoAuthor writes: A denial of service attack on the scheduler of current Linux systems (CFS) allows monitoring memory accesses with high precision. The researchers also claim to demonstrate fully working code for recovering an AES-128 key in real time without knowing either the ciphertext or plaintext.

Comment Re:ironically (Score 2, Funny) 155

but if you label hot brown liquid "coffee" and make the room smell like coffee, people will generally think it is coffee?

Works in our office. They also have carpet cleaner powder in canisters and label it 'creamer'. Only the best for our employees!

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A rock store eventually closed down; they were taking too much for granite.
