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Comment Re:I'm confused... (Score 1) 335

honestly, i think that you did something wrong with your test app. there are tons of highly intricate apps that do not request permission to make calls. now, if your app wanted to go to the background when a call came and relaunch when the call is over that's something different. however, that permission is "read phone state" which does not sound the same at all.

Comment Re:So, *will* it be missed? (Score 1) 359

no, you are either a dick or you don't know what you are talking about.

i have twenty years of experience shooting on fully manual 35mm cameras. i take my time and only shoot when i am really happy with what i have in the view finder. for every 10 times i lift the camera and compose a shot i take maybe one frame. i am not trying to get my photos published in a magazine, but these days i am pretty happy with over half of my shots. the reason pros say that they are at a 1-3% keepers is that they are shooting dozens at each subject but aren't going to sell or show a series all taken at the same time. since i am shooting for me and no one else i can take one and get in my car and go somewhere else if i want to.

Comment Re:Do most users ignore the app security warnings? (Score 1) 286

try BatteryLife by Curvefish. it is a widget which is nicer since it is always running, it requires no permissions, and it doesn't seem to have any effect on my battery consumption.

it is the best one that i have found so far. i particularly like that it tells you the battery temperature, and i can set what % the battery turns orange and red at.

Comment Re:Aircraft electronics (Score 5, Funny) 198

i am not flying the plane.

there is no amount of concentration on my part that is going to help when the plane banks sharply on take off, slams into the ground, and begins cartwheeling through a cornfield spewing burning jet fuel while rows of seats tear off the floor and fall out of holes in the plane.

but if i could listen to music, at least i wouldn't have to hear everyone else screaming as i burned to death in an aluminum tube

Comment Re:Why then (Score 1) 164

did you read the summary, the GP, or the article?

the worst case scenario is that browser gets slow on large pages or that it might cause your phone to hang/reboot. i am pretty sure that in the normal use case for a smartphone a reboot every now and then isn't going to cause immediate death. if you work in a life or death environment you should be provided with a dedicated communications device, such as a radio

Comment Re:Why then (Score 1) 164

my point was why are you afraid to test it yourself? as soon as i saw that they said that worst case scenario was rebooting i was ready to try it. shit, i have 'professional' apps that have crashed my phone before (google sky map, i am looking at you). i was willing to put up with a little slowness to test drive a shiny new browser.

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