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Comment Re:Good job by the school (Score 1) 1246

A very big part of success in sciences is concentration and focus. While this kid may or may not know the subject, he/she was spoiling the learning environment for others. Such a person should be home schooled. If they are wunderkinds, the experience would help them grow faster than the coursework can make them. If not, good riddance.

Comment Re:Bollocks. (Score 1) 1246

The numbers still say that biology teachers have a harder time in the U.S. teaching evolution because of regulations on textbooks requiring them to have nonsense from the Discovery Institute, et al, as an alternate 'theory'.

Curiouser and curiouser. Please supply those numbers since the famous court case did establish that any such regulations on textbooks would violate the establishment clause. While it is conceivable that certain biology teachers in red states experience some social ostracism for teaching evolution in science class, there are no regulations of the sort you speak of. At least AFAIK.

Comment Re:Bollocks. (Score 1) 1246

I am not necessarily in favor of calling out the cops, but an example sometimes has to be made. If this kid is more interested in texting than in the math, then he/she should be chucked out of the school and be home schooled.

I do not understand the reference to creationist nonsense. Or do you folks imagine that every county in the US is like Dover, PA (the people there had the good sense to finally get rid of the neanderthals in any case) ?

Submission + - Executive pay caps may not materialize (

slashdotlurker writes: Many of us have followed the progress of the bank bailout last Fall with some interest, and have grown increasingly disgusted by revelations of how such money has either been spent, or how little oversight this bailout actually had. President Obama is on record having expressed his disgust at these goings on, just like many other politicians.

After all this brouhaha about the obscene levels of executive compensation, indications are that no such restrictions will come into force. Setting aside the dubious morality of giving bonuses/retention incentives/pay raises/ to executives who have led their companies into disaster (in good old times, such characters used to either resign or get fired), this is just the latest example of how nothing really changes in Washington. According to this Washington Post report, "Provisions to impose a penalty on banks that paid hefty bonuses and to cap pay at $400,000 for all employees at firms applying for additional government funds did not survive the compromise, sources said.".

One then has to either question whether Sen. McCaskill's tirade, or Rep. Capuano's angry remarks are just posturing or, our so-called moderate lawmakers have been purchased, lock, stock and barrel by these very same CEOs. The cynic in me does not see a real choice between those two choices.

Comment Re:More and more evidence (Score 2, Insightful) 873

One man's pork is another man's infrastructure spending. What Republicans want is 100% tax cuts. Tax cuts (from the evidence of the last few times we have tried this) do not return as much in terms of economic activity as infrastructure spending does (the comparison is $1.02 vs $2.10 per dollar spent). And that totally ignores the modern reality of globalized economic interactions.

More damningly, since there is not much manufacturing left in the US, whatever money you choose to spend out of the tax cut goes straight to the Chinese or whichever third world hellhole the greedy US corporations are importing that week. Tax cuts made perfect sense before this age of globalization. Now, we are simply stimulating the Chinese economy while borrowing money from them. So, the Chinese get to see their economy boosted by each US tax cut plus they get to earn interest on whatever was spent by the US federal government. Can't think of too many deals sweeter than that one.

The current stimulus bill is utterly misguided. 100% of it should have gone to infrastructure spending (the stuff you like to call pork) with an explicit buy American clause (otherwise any stimulus would again flow to China). If we are going to borrow money and get deeper into debt, we might as well spend it on boosting our competitiveness and creating new future industries rather than giving a double fillip to the Chinese economy.

Comment More and more evidence (Score 5, Insightful) 873

The Democrats have always been in the pocket of RIAA/MPAA/Hollywood types. Look up Hillary Rosen if you have any doubts. Republicans have scr*w*d up the country but on this issue, they have always been a better alternative. Not because they are more moral or anything, but because they are not as beholden to the Hollywood set.

Comment Re:Police State (Score 1) 289

Perhaps. Me the individual may be dependent on that goodwill. The United States as a country is more dependent upon the desire of her population to remain free.

Given the general dumbing down of our political discourse, recent events, and the active hatred that exists between the left and the right wings of the two respective major political parties, I doubt that the population even has the foggiest idea of what freedom means.

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