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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 44 declined, 9 accepted (53 total, 16.98% accepted)


Submission + - Skype Files 100Million IPO (techcrunch.com)

helix2301 writes: Skype has filed a 100 Million IPO statement. The company which was just purchased last year from Ebay by a group of private investors is hoping to file public to raise money to help move the company along with there plans. Will be interesting to see how this works out if they are making Facebook wait till 2012 to file public I wonder how long they will make Skype wait. If Skype gets turned down I wonder how this will effect their business model and plans for the company.

Submission + - NTP Sues Big IT Companies (techcrunch.com) 1

helix2301 writes: NTP who claims to be the founder and holds the patent for sending e-mail over wireless hand held devices is sewing Microsoft, Apple, Google, and other major players in the technology industry. They sewed RIM a few years ago and they settled out of court. The amount they are sewing for is unknown at this time.

Submission + - Apple Invaids China (crunchgear.com)

helix2301 writes: Apple is branching out into China with a first Apple store in Shanghai. Apple plans on opening 2 more additional stores in Shanghai. Photos of construction and details of Apples China plans are also reveled in the article.

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