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Comment Re:Evil Baby Orphanage (Score 1) 658

That's quite amusing.

But the real problem with all this travel-back-in-time-to-kill-hitler business is that Hitler didn't invent facism or scientific racism. It's quite likely that those theories would have kept gaining traction around the world if Hitler hadn't come along and started a war that made them look so bad.

Comment Re:Screening embryos already happens (Score 4, Insightful) 456

Are you talking about Ontario? I think it's been up to the ultrasound practitioner's discretion, but in light of recent studies, some are advising their workers to not give out the information. I hadn't heard that it was illegal, thougth.

It's a conundrum, though. If abortion is legal, it has to be legal for everyone, for all reasons. Perhaps more effort should be made to make sure certain immigrants know that around these here parts, we appreciate our daughters.

But if it continues, well, it can't coninue for more than a generation or two. What's a sure-fire way to make sure your son abandons your sexist culture and marries someone from a different background who wont abort her female fetuses? Create a lack of women in your culture for them to date.

Comment Re:Focus Follows Mouse (Score 1) 543

It has focus-follows-mouse, but you have to go into the gconf-editor, which most probably doesn't come with ubuntu anymore. But once you do enable it, it still sucks because they've done that Mac-wannabe global toolbar thing, so when you move your mouse up to the tool-bar for an application (which is at the top of the screen now) the mouse hovers over another application, and the toolbar at the top is no longer for the application you want to do something with. It'll make you want to smack someone.

Fortunately, there's XFCE. It has proper focus-follows-mouse. Just use Xubuntu, if you want to stick with an Ubuntu derivative.

Comment Re:Fantastic news for other forms of censorship. (Score 1) 301

Agreed, and add to that the death penalty. And then there are the statistical measures like income inequality, literacy rates, incarceration rates, and other "quality of life" indices.

If we could shame the US by listing the crappy countries it has so much in common with, in these regards, I think it would have happened already.

Comment Re:What's a smartphone anyway? (Score 1) 267

A dumb, or feature phone, can come with all the programs you need, but doesn't have a good avenue for installing any other arbitrary program you might want.

Smart phones are more like computers that way; they're meant to have programs installed after you get it. You're not limited to what the manufacture shipped the phone with.

Comment Re:Savages (Score 1) 368

Going to war to stop killing. That's a really bad idea, especially in this case. If I have a relative in Iran who is on death row then, presumably, I have other family in Iran as well. A war would put them in great danger of dying as well. How would that help?

In addition, more people in the west really need to realize that most Iranians don't like this Islamic regime. But they are trapped in it. Threats of war (or, god forbid, an actual war) would just boost the strength of the regime. People there may not like it, but they prefer it (as anyone would) to invasion by a foreign country.

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