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Comment Instead of taxing the rich, force them to spend (Score 1) 2115

Really, do we want the govt taking private money and wasting it on stupid sh1t? I say that if you have more than $1M in earnings you should be forced to show that you spent at least 10% ($100K in my example) in 'Made in USA' goods&services. If you did not, then you forfeit that money to the state. This will get the earners to get something for their money and the money will flow inside the good ol'USA. Someone making $500M/year would need to spend $50M in 'Made in the USA' goods&services.

Comment They did not create a cure. (Score 1) 173

The motivation would be to make the identification of the gene(s) and then continue the research to find treatment(s) or cure(s) based on the DNA information. They can definitely patent the treatment. Allowing patenting the DNA is akin to allowing patenting the heart in people instead of patenting heart medications. That would be absurd.

Comment Re:Switch Batteries? (Score 1) 122

The battery pack should not be owned by the vehicle owner. It should be owned by the electricity provider/gas station. It should also have a built-in life counter like laptop batteries do. You the vehicle owner will get charged a rate that includes the actual electricity used as well as a battery pack usage charge. If the battery chaging stations were as abundant as gas stations we''d be fine. On a separate note, I was watching Nova last night and they said our total petroleum based infrastrucure is worth $3T. That includes everything from refineries to gas stations to delivery trucks to actual cars.That is a drop in the bucket. If I were in charge I would have made a 10 year plan similar to the Apollo mission to be fully switched to electric by 2020. The $3T is nothing.

Comment $20K is on the low side (Score 1) 1352

My father in law just got over bacterial meningitis. He almost died. After 1 week in the hospital, 1 surgery to correct the entry point of the bacteria and 1 week in rehab, the bill was $200K. Insurance picked up most of it. Without it, he would have been destitute. He would have had to sell his house which took 30 years to pay for. All the high and mighty who think that's ok, wait until you get old. I remember when I was in my 20s I had the same cavalier attitude. 'Why should I have to pay these crazy premiums?' I'd ask. 'I don't get sick'. Well, once you or someone close to you experience a serious disease and the associated costs with surviving it, you will sing a different tune. Costs need to be stabilized and everyone needs to be covered. What burns me is that we already pay a LOT of taxes. If there was less waste, everyone would been able to be covered by the govt with the existing tax outlay.

Comment Re:There's a lot more to this than Ballmer (Score 1) 650

This is the problem with most taxes. As the govt inflates the currency more and more people will be considered 'rich'. That's why all these arbitrary taxation levels need to be thrown out. So, Obama think $250K makes a family rich so they need to pay 39% income tax. Well in 10 years with the inflation they are about to unleash almost everyone in the middle class will be making $250K. It's the duty of all citizens to say no to all taxation but since it is necessary, a consumption tax is more fair, as long as it includes exemptions for the basic needs like food, shelter, education, health care, public transport, etc. Spending is the problem. Of course, no one wants to do anything about it. What are they going to do with all the useless people that work in govt? Unemployment will go to 30-40%.

Comment Re:Congrats! (Score 1) 559

I think the right to no unreasonable searches is for public areas. If you are asking for entry into a private area (airport, airplane, etc), you give up that right since the owner/operator of that area may have their own rules. No one is forcing anyone to fly and go through the scanners. If you do not like it, do not fly. One issue I have with this is that the govt is the one being involved in the policing of the air traffic. I would want them completely out of it. If the planes did get hijacked or bombed or whatever, the airlines would face major losses and they would have to invent ways to police their passengers.

Comment I disagree. Brain's dna encodes the bios as well (Score 1) 830

So, a fully formed brain will start 'running'. From the little I know about embryology, my understanding that once the brain is structurally made, it should operate fine. Of course, you need all the biological support from a living body but translate the brain into computer objects and it should operate. Unfortunately, I don't know how some biological processes coded in the dna that do not deal with the 'thinking' aspect of the brain but only deal with the living-cell mechanisms, can be excluded from the computer model. Those processes would add a tremendous amount of noise.

Comment Why this whole thing is wrong... (Score 1) 432

I am not saying Childs did not deserve some punishment but this is way too harsh. Let's say Childs was a Janitor with keys to the city's data center entrance. Let's say Childs changed the lock to the data center entrance when he was about to be fired. Let's say Childs took the only key to the data center with him and refused to give it back to his boss. Would a janitor deserve 4 years in jail for that? No jury in the world would give out such a sentence to a janitor. But, because Childs is in IT he got 4 years. The general public including lawmakers has a phobia against anything computer related. They have an anxiety about it.

Comment Re:Pretty soon, except those without their own gar (Score 1) 284

Easy solution to this. Gas Station can become 'charge' stations. You could use your credit card which could be tied to your home 'electricity' account. The station will charge a % premium for using the facilities but the actual electric rate should be the same as your home's. Regardless, electric will be the way to go for the majority of commuters in the next 2-3 yrs.

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