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Comment Re:0% (Score 1) 215

Pretty much the same here in Australia. The Government won't drop you because of a pre-existing condition, and I have friends whose lives were devastated by losing a family member, but who were not turned out of their house to finance the rather extensive care over a couple of years (and the care was comprehensive, and brilliant).

Does it add to my tax burden? Yes, it does, and I don't give a flying f**k that it does, because I care more about people living better, than I do the few cents I pay in each tax dollar. Priorities.

Comment Re:this case may trun out bad for google (Score 1) 339

I think Google+ would have been fine, except for Sergey's insistence upon people using their real names, instead of being able to keep their nicknames. That made it no fun any more, and that's why I closed my profile down & avoided it from then on.

Truth is, I don't want people to know I'm actually a Staffordshire Terrier. People can be so prejudiced against dogs on the internet.

Comment Re:Answer: HR departments (Score 1) 465

On the other hand, a truly good HR manager can be the making of a company. I've never known a successful CEO *anywhere* who didn't see absolutely top-notch people in the right places as a critical KPI of their company's long-term success. Either the CEO has those people recognition skills or they have a top-notch HR person at their beck and call.

Mind, for some firms (such as company harvesters like Bain Capital) this may mean the ability to carry out an order such as "find me a sociopath who can fire people in bulk and make it look like it's a mercy killing from a friend".

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