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Comment surface is brilliant (Score 4, Funny) 403

Are you kidding me?! Surface is revolutionary! Its like a laptop, but the screen is where the keyboard goes and vice verse, and you use it the other way around! Then instead of a touchpad you just smear your fingers all over the screen and, if you are lucky, it doesn't tip over - Brilliant! Its like an ipad but without all the apps and fanboism, no wait... Its like a tablet for people that don't like tablets, wait...nobody likes tablets.

Comment Incremental GC (Score 1) 133

From the mozilla javascript blog:

Firefox 16 will be the first version to support incremental garbage collection. This is a major feature, over a year in the making, that makes Firefox smoother and less laggy. With incremental GC, Firefox responds more quickly to mouse clicks and key presses. Animations and games will also draw more smoothly.

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