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Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 513

Birthday Paradox relies on the same thing...

You're comparing YOUR birthday to the birthday of a number of other individuals. Thus the one sample (DNA on/in victim's body to a large number of potential samples.

That said it may be a lower chance so a larger number is more likely to result in a collission but still the possibility exists. DNA really is only reliable when you're working with one suspect and everythign else lines up.

Comment Re:As long as they pay my mobile data bill... (Score 1) 686

Problem with that is...

If some third party were inserting commercials into DVDs and people were using libdvdcss to skip them it'd probably be legit. The thing is the ad's come from a third party which is not a party to the primary transaction (you and the content provider). The content provider cant legally require you to waste your resources (bandwidth/transfer capacity) on loading their ads. This is especially true on mobile devices where going over your data plan can lead to charges of like $0.10/mb in some cases.

If bandwidth was unlimited by the ISPs then perhaps there would be an excuse for ads... Until then Adblock plus will keep my online experience ad-free with the exception of a very few sites like Slashdot.

Comment Re:Does it really take so much computing power? (Score 1) 861

You know if Hamas was smart they'd just fire rockets with basically no payload and have Isreal waste $100,000 per $10-100 rocket that basically does nothing.

That said I figure it would err on the side of caution and shoot rockets down first and ask questions later if it came to a missile spam of like 100+ rockets being shot at the same time.

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1, Interesting) 513

Well you have to remember birthday paradox...

In a room of about 20 people you have a 50/50 chance of having the same birthday as someone else in the room. What they're doing here is taking one sample and comparing it to hundreds or thousands of men.

I've been lead to believe that birthday paradox also applies to DNA too... So if you take a sample size of thousands or so presumably unrelated people you might find people who match in such a way that it would be acceptable evidence in a court of law.

Someone smarter than me can do the math but 1:1,000,000 chance vs 3,000 Samples ... How many are likely to come up close enough to prosecute?

Comment War is Peace... (Score 1) 102

Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength...

Just take everything a bill is named for and reverse it and you get it's true goals.

SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) wouldnt have stopped Piracy but proliferated it.

Any time a a politician brings a think of the children arguement what they really are thinking about it corporate interests, etc...

Comment Re:H1-B has nothing to do with your jobs (Score 1) 795

There are exceptions to every rule. Congratulations you're the exception.

A vast majority of H1-B's are to get in moderately skilled labor for jobs Americans could be doing but big companies who can afford to game the H1-B system get the labor for rock bottom prices compared to the normal labor market.

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