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Comment Re:Overwithholding is a short-term loan (Score 0) 780

You're not making any sense. It is giving a 1-11 month interest-free loan. If you don't make the loan, though, you can treat it like the rest of your cash flows and invest it accordingly, including some into long-term investments. The money doesn't disappear from your bank account after you file your return. You don't stop gaining interest on it. You don't stop gaining interest on its interest.

Comment Re:Every time a corporation avoids some tax (Score 0) 780

Cut our spending, because of his tax avoidance?

No. Cut your spending because you put programs in place that you can only pay for if you pick people to pay more than they are required.

Just like Schmidt, you too seems to lack a sense of social responsibility.

I've got this disease where I work and take care of myself and my family instead of expecting others to do it for me. Damndest thing. I even wipe my own ass.

Comment Re:Every time a corporation avoids some tax (Score 0) 780

In other words, his relationship to other people is that of a sociopath.

No. It's that of an intelligent businessman.

And if you don't think avoiding taxes in the country where you are making your profits is wrong, kindly check the comments from politicians of all parties in the UK.

Well, then. If the UK politicians are bitching about it, it must surely be bad. Turd.

The country has its faults, but wholesale political corruption by corporations is not one of them.

No, but coddling of the crybaby population of special little snowflakes is chief among them. What promises were made to you, exactly? It's quite simple. What was owed was paid. If it's not enough, you can either chip in to cover it or cut spending. Or piss and moan. Whatever does it for you.

Comment Re:Question (Score 1) 780

This is part of the problem. People have no idea what they're doing. I remember a reddit post a while back where a lady couldn't figure out why she owed money but all her friends were getting refunds. It's like these people think it's a lottery. Notice Pope called it a "return" rather than a "refund." People are fucking clueless.

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