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Comment Sterilization events (Score 1) 334

Biosphere One, as you call it, has sustained several nearly sterilizing events in its 4.5B year history, not to mention that it was uninhabitable for about the first 1B years or so. The planet will go on after the human virus has died out, even if humans take 99% of all other current species with them.

Now, that's not to say it's a good idea to go about defiling the planet as you describe, but just to place some perspective on it. Humans are a mere speck on this big ol' rock, and said rock is insensate and does not need to be "preserved".

Are humans as a species stupid enough to wipe themselves out as you describe? Probably. Good riddance, then.

Comment You over-focused on the particulars of this one (Score 1) 285

I'm more generally referring to things like Hollywood leftist multimillionaires advocating for $15/hour for burger-flipping "living wage". They could take some of their money, buy a Burger King, and pay $15/hour. No one would stop them.

The NFL players could all quit, form a new player-owned football league, and pay themselves whatever they like.

People complaining a CEO's pay is too high could buy enough shares in the company and vote to change to CEO's pay. Or better yet, create a company that directly competes with the too-rich-CEO and pay the CEO of that company equally to the ever-important janitor.

People complaining about NCAA athletes being "exploited" could form a for-pay system where athletes who want to get into the NFL or NBA could play without being forced to go to class or comply with NCAA rules while waiting out the NFL & NBA age limit rules.

It's always about how "the man" is "keeping them down" and how government needs to force someone to do something that the market won't really bear.

Comment Every single time: "living wage" (Score 1) 285

It seems that every single time this sort of topic pops up, we have some SJW crying about greedy 1%'s not paying "a living wage". Even when a "living wage" is not quite at issue, we still have poor downtrodden NFL players being denied a extra $2.5M/year by some rich bastard team owner.

I am always left wondering why the SJW folks (or the NFL players) don't simply, in this case, form a non-profit corporation, buy a strawberry farm, pay $25/hr + healthcare + vacation for pickers, and sell the produce? Leading by example would "prove" that it is possible to make money (or at least not lose money) by selling strawberries picked by $25/hr labor.

There's not a thing preventing anyone from "solving" this "living wage" problem: just open up a competing business that pays a "living wage".

Well, nothing except competition.

Comment Can you say Disparate Impact boys & girls? (Score 0) 294

I knew you could.

Disparate Impact is a favorite tool of the left to "prove" discrimination has occurred even when it is highly unlikely. For example, when credit applications are scored by computer (where race is not entered). Almost always this is an Al Sharpton racially motivate thing.

Interesting to see it working in the direction of the white folks, but I doubt we'll see Reverends Al & Jesse making a fevered appeal against the racism of Tata's hiring practices.

Comment Disparate impact! Sexism rears its head! (Score 1) 517

We've learned from progressives that anytime the results are skewed relative to the the population someone is getting screwed.

I fully expect this divergence to be 100% acceptable to the left because "traditional victims" are coming out ahead and "unprosecuted rapists" are rightfully being denied their privilege.

Comment Answer to both questions: Management (Score 1) 209

Management pressure forces even good developers to produce. Sometimes, against your better judgement, you have to go for the quick fix to meet a deadline (or not exceed a deadline by too much). Or, developers make a proof-of-concept or prototype, and management says "ship that".

Once management has its grubby hands on existing codebase, it ignores the accrued technical debt, poo-poos developers warnings to rewrite some stuff that was thrown together in the heat of battle, and never funds general background cleanup tasking.

Management does not believe in bit-rot.

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