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Comment Re:The evil "American Right"... (Score 1) 945

From one perspective, it's a reasonable starting position - I immediately questioned net neutrality because of who was supporting it - anti-business (and I'm NOT just saying "anti-corporate" here) hard-leftists. It's the one time that they may at least be partially correct, but I DO believe that they wish to regulate content (particularly free speech issues a la "fairness doctrine"), and didn't quite get what they wanted.

I DON'T trust the government on net neutrality, however.

Comment Beginning of the End of DDoS? (Score 3, Interesting) 128

I wonder if the recent WL issues signal the end of DDoS for at least large companies - Visa, Mastercard, Amazon, etc. I can foresee them putting enough money into their servers and infrastructure that, at some point, they really couldn't be overwhelmed. Is this going to wind up being a hardware or software issue in the future in preventing DDoS attacks?

Comment Re:This Is Huge (Score 2) 488

What "terrorist" sites? There's PLENTY of garbage out there that stays up that should probably be more controlled - pedophilia, genuine terrorist sites (al-qaeda related, etc), etc.

Just go look at racist sites from all sides of the aisle and you'll probably see better examples as well - sites that wouldn't see the light of day in Europe.

Comment Real Villains... (Score 1, Insightful) 488

At what point will wikileaks go after who they were originally intended - despots in Africa and the Middle East, and maybe some dirty corporations? Just about everything that I've seen released this time is a bunch of "well, duh" stuff and driven by base anti-Americanism. I'm not saying some secrets don't need to be exposed, just that Assange seems so callous in doing it.

Comment Re:Bread, circusses and home owners (Score 1) 488

The romans had bread and circuses, the conservatives/tories have home owner ship, holland has to mortage deduction and America has the two cars in the drive way.

What does this do? It is about creating a working "middle" class. A hard working "middle" class. But not a real middle class. Not a middle class that has power but a middle class that have just enough to give them something to loose if they try to gain anything. The principle is VERY simple. Feed the masses just enough to don't make it an issue of starve or riot but rather, eat enough or riot and starve.

Strike, and you loose your mortage, can't make the monthly car payments and therefor you got to swallow everything, just so you can keep the two cars you so desperately need for the job to pay for the cars because there is no public transport alternative.

It is VERY effective. Look at the recent election results, people voted to protect the rights of rich people. Unemployed people voted against unemployment protection. All in the believe that they are some kind of middle class that doesn't need any government protection from the super rich. The divide between rich and poor has never been so big and the poor are voting to increase the gap.

Forget about letting them eat cake. Let them dream of cake, and they will go as sheep to the slaughterhouse.

There is a reason the rich are rich. They are smarter then the poor people.

I believe that both sides of the aisle are as corporatist as anyone; however, expecting the answer to be to take from the owners of production and expecting us to remain productive is a pipe dream of the left who DON'T understand economics.

The answer is promoting self-responsibility in ALL aspects - from rich to poor. Don't bail out either.

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