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Comment Re:Hmm, bad planning much? (Score 2) 121

Well, they won't actually whine but just increase the prices. At the end of the day, it's the consumers who will get affected, not the vendors. They don't need mercy of yours at all, better prepare to pay more.

Actually, both consumers and vendors are affected. If your customers can no longer afford to buy your product, you'll soon be without customers.

Comment Re:Groupon (Score 2) 245

If you are buying something you need, like money, and the advertiser gives you 50% off, then you are indeed saving money.

That's true. I spend at least half my income on money. But I never buy it at a discount store, because the quality just isn't there.

Comment Re:Maybe it is a dumb question.. (Score 5, Insightful) 140

If Commander Taco was really Sarah Palin, I'd date her, except she's married.

Let's go over your fantasy:

(a) Commander Taco is really Sarah Palin. <-- Check!
(b) Taco/Palin would date you. <-- Check!
(c) You would date a married woman. <-- No Way!

That's an interesting place to inject reality...

Comment Re:This one makes some sense (Score 1) 446

At his trial, he might be found not guilty by reason of insanity.

And this is one of the major flaws in the American justice system IMO. Not Guilty by reason of insanity shouldn't exist. The proper finding is Guilty BUT insane.

That's the law in Arizona. For Arizona crimes, there is only "Guilty but insane", where if you ever do get well enough to leave the hospital, you get to finish your sentence in a regular prison... or a tent.

Comment Re:Need a bigger knife (Score 2) 738

90% of pot smokers are still going to buy it from the same guy they buy it from today. A fact I also base on nothing at all.

You're right about not basing that on anything at all. It doesn't even make sense. The only reason to go to the same guy is if he's the most convenient or has the lowest prices.
If pot were legalized, he would almost certainly not be either of those.
And to your original point, the old drug dealers who peddled pot would either be out of work or move on to harder drugs, because they would be out of the pot business in a hurry. So, whether or not they want to share their profits is irrelevant, since the legitimate businesses now filling the niche would be only too happy to charge sales tax (liquor stores do!).

Comment Re:Unknown sender and no subject (Score 5, Interesting) 55

I can think of 3 possible answers, in decreasing likelihood:
1) They didn't type in the right parameters into the script they're running.

2) They are not wasting cycles populating the messages until they verify that the messages will actually be delivered.

3) The empty messages are used by the botnet controllers to show potential customers how effective their botnets are, similar to "Your ad here!" billboards.

Comment Re:Common sense says... (Score 2) 417

it wasn't visible to "the world to see", it was visible to neighbours and people walking by

And what was preventing anyone in the world from walking/driving by and seeing it?

Physical access. Most people in the U.S., for example, will never have the opportunity to walk by and see it. But, they certainly can view it on the internet.

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