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Comment Re:Bware of 'cleanups' (Score 3, Interesting) 233

I still have some superfluous debugging code in a project that literally does nothing in the production version but without it the code crashes randomly after a week or so; a classic Heisenbug. It's clearly data trashed by a wild pointer but I could never find who did it since it's a large multithreaded program that depends on hardware behavior. Neither valgrind nor Coverity were of any help. It's too big to be rewritten so we just have to live with it.

Comment As an academic homeschooling parent (Score 5, Informative) 700

I'll tell you this, it's way more difficult and far more expensive/time consuming than you might imagine. You should also be very clear about your reasons for doing this, keeping the kid at home is not one of those reasons. I know several homeschooled kids like that and they're a bit stunted, you have to make sure to get out and be active a lot more as well. Look around in your area for enrichment programs, for instance our kids go to public school 1 day per week. It's fantastic, and they make a lot of friends plus get that more structured school environment. Make sure that you're doing this for the right reasons. Finally, it takes an unbelievable amount of discipline from you both as parents. My wife and I are up late hours every week making sure that we have lessons ready, making tests, basically doing the things normal teachers do. If you're still reading and serious about this, it's also very rewarding. Seriously, if you do this right your kid will be light years ahead. You do it wrong and you'll really fuck up your kid's future.

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